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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo E3 2012 Conference - E3 is Dead. Long Live Nintendo Direct!

Looks like Ubisoft won E3 this year.

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Korppi said:
IamAwsome said:
Korppi said:
IamAwsome said:

According to Spike, they are bring a "Mystery developer's project" after they interview Reggie.


 Retro? Monolith?

My money's on Ubisoft.

They spent a lot of time on Ubisoft yesterday, it wouldn't be them. 

*rolls eyes*

Also, they just said it wasn't one in the conference, not one that we've heard about before. PLZ BE RETRO (Or anything besides Nintendoland for that matter)

All the games were good.... Pikmin, Scribllenauts and 2D Mario....

But it was too little... jesus christ! And 3DS press conference won't do a thing!
The best thing this e3 is going to be Media Create numbers tomorrow!!!

Nintendo is gonna announce a new game on gametrailers live feed. I don't get why they wouldn't announce this during the actual event. Nintendo doesn't understand E3 at all

A new game incoming :)
and im going to make my own gang in nintendoland


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Carl2291 said:

Remember guys, what we saw isn't even half. Another conference tomorrow and stuff going on right now.

I learned to not put too much faith in second round conferences the last couple of years. They're usually a recap, nothing special. Don't kid yourself and don't put too much faith in em. This was the big conference where they showed their good stuff. Stop living in lala land carl!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Wow, when Ubisoft has the best conference, that's a bad sign.

Piss poor conference from Nintendo, especially considering they were unveiling games for a brand new console.
Ugh, where to begin? Guess I'll get my negatives out of the way first:

- Way too much time spend on lame looking games like Nintendoland, Sing, and Wii Fit U.
- While a somewhat solid third party lineup, most of the games shown are ports.
- Reggie saying "it's all about the games," followed by 10 minutes talking about the controller
- No Zelda whatsoever
- No new Ips, unless you include Nintendoland, which I'm not sure I do..
- Nothing shown of non Mario Nintendo franchises aside from Pikmin (Star Fox, F-zero, Metroid, etc)
- No announcement of Watch Dogs, which I was hoping would be on the Wii U :(
- Didn't really get to see enough of what the Wii U is capable of hardware-wise.

Whew, ok. With that out of my system, here are the positives:

+ NSMB U looked awesome. Though I wish they had shown more of it.
+ Pikmin 3 looks gorgeous, and is the perfect type of game for that controller.
+ Zombi U looks to be a great third party exclusive.
+ Zombie Reggie

Overall, I rate them a 3/10. The fact that I was this underwhelmed during a year when Nintendo is unveiling a new console with new games caused me to be a little more harsh in my score. Doesn't quite reach the levels of 2008 in terms of bad, but definitely nears it. I am probably still getting Wii U at or near launch, but this show didn't quite push me to want one moreso like I hoped. I will say this, in terms of sheer surprises (either entirely new games, or games shown in which little was known about previously), Nintendo won in that regard. Though strangely enough, Ubisoft of all companies takes the crown.

Alaso, am I the only one disappointed with Paper Mario?

New game coming, on Spike TV?

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.
Platinum games P100 just announced. TO be shown soon.