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NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:
NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:

Are you on the same team as radish?

Would that be the scum team?

Just answer my question.

I can't answer your question if I don't know what you are trying to ask me.

Just answer my question.

his question was pretty simple and right there.  It shouldn't have been that hard to answer.

Around the Network
Wonktonodi said:
NintendoPie said:

I can't answer your question if I don't know what you are trying to ask me.

Just answer my question.

his question was pretty simple and right there.  It shouldn't have been that hard to answer.

Nice job digging this back up.

It wasn't simple.

Rainbow Yoshi said:
Wonktonodi said:
Rainbow Yoshi said:
My vote: morenoingrato

Haha, I go unnoticed.

are you actually going to play this game?

For saying this I Vote: Wonktonodi

you remind me of when MarcusJackson played a while back. He didn't say much and would just vote people who would bring up his participation.

I have a few questions for you.

Are you reading the thread?

Does what's going on make sense to you?

Have you asked about the things you don't understand?

My general thoughts on everyone so far:

Pro town: Rol, Nen, Trucks, Linkz, Insomniac, Mantle, Wonk, Prof, Final Fan, Radish, NintyPie (most likely to least likely)

Mafia or 3rd party: Outlaw, Rainbow, Moreno, Danne, Noctis, Smeags, Baalz, Stefl (Most likely to least likely)


In depth thoughts:

Rol: He is being very active so far. Asking multiple questions and trying to catch people for not paying attention to the thread. I think he has the best intentions in mind and is actively helping to find scum. (Very likely Pro town)

Nen: He is being more active than the other two rounds when he was mafia. This leads me to believe he is pro town, but I think he is smart enough to change things up and post more even when he is mafia. Although, I am going with the former option as far more likely because it is unlikely he is mafia three times in a row. (Probably pro town)

Trucks: Hates being mafia and is participating quite a bit in this thread. Hasn't done anything suspicious as of yet, so I doubt he is mafia. (Probably pro town)

Linkz: I always think he is mafia for some reason even when he is town. Probably because he plays like mafia even when he is a townie. -_- It is hard for me to ever get an accurate read on him. Just like Prof, he started to post more after someone mentioned he was being a bit quiet. Still, I am willing to give him the benefit of the doubt because of Mother's Day. Besides that he is playing like he usually does, which would indicate town. (Probably Pro town)

Insomniac: Has made some good posts so far, and brought up similar points that I have. For example, he also didn't understand why Stefl was trying to give Radish more time and help him out.  (Probably pro town)

Mantle: I was suspicious of him earlier on because of his use of the word "sure" when answering a question by Rol, but he has since explained himself. Besides, that he hasn't really done anything to raise my suspicion. (Probably pro town)

Wonk: Prof said he saw something from the few random posts at the beginning of day one and thinks he is mafia. For all I know Prof could be right, but I'm not sure how he came to that conclusion. He doesn't seem to have done anything suspicious yet. (Probably pro town)

Prof: He was a bit quiet at first, but has started to post a lot more since I mentioned something. Normally this would strike me as odd, but yesterday was Mother's Day so I will give him the benefit of the doubt for now. He seems to know if people are town or scum with 100% accuracy, but that may end up hurting him in the end if he is wrong about someone. Also, he could easily know what role people were on if he was mafia. (Might be Pro town)

Final Fan: Still seems much to eager to lynch Radish. I realize I haven't played too many games with him yet, but he genuinely seems to be trying to get better. Still, if others that have played with him much more in the past think the same thing as FF then I guess lynching Radish is a good option since he distracts us from other things. (Might be pro town)

Radish: Fell into Rols's trap twice. Acted very scummy in the beginning, but he seems to be really trying to get better and post more original thoughts now. I don't know if he ever promised this before though. From what I know about him from last games he acts scummy when town and acts normal when mafia. (Might be pro town)

NintyPie: Couldn't answer a simple question when Rol asked him one. I still don't understand why he failed to do so, but he did tell me it was "Because I'm the stupidest person on the face of Earth." NintendoPie, you need more self confidence.  (Might be pro town)

Stefl: I was inclined to believe his role claim, but am still a bit confused as to why he came to Radish's rescue. What did he have to benefit from doing such a thing. Maybe his role claim isn't real and he knows something about Radish that we don't? Something just doesn't add up here. (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Baalz: Seemed much to eager to go after NintendoPie after he failed to answer Rol's question. I agree that NintendoPie had no reason for not answering the question, but something seems off here. (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Smeags: Constantly talks of butchering things and talked about the town as if he wasn't part of it. I realize this is his first game and mistakes will be made, but my points still stand. (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Noctis: I can't really put my finger on it, but he has been giving me a mafia vibe this game. (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Danne: He said people have different roles "In the town" very early on. This leads me to believe he isn't part of the town himself. Also, he said "@prof: I don't know shit... I'm so new at this that I'm just confused all the time =P" which sounds a lot like how Manuel was playing last game. I was fooled by Manuel, but I won't be fooled again! (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Moreno: Not sure why he defended NintyPie so much. It almost seems like these two might be on the same team because of that, but would teammates really defend each other like that? (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Rainbow: Voted for Moren and then said "Haha, I go unnoticed." No reason was given for the vote at all, and I still don't have an answer for why he was happy to go unnoticed or why he wanted to go unnoticed. The post rubs me the wrong way. (Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Outlaw: Voted for no lynch right away and hasn't been very active so far. He said he would change his vote when "something comes up" It almost seems like he is trying to lay low and let things play out, then when something does happen he will jump at that opportunity. Just like he did when voting for Radish.(Probably mafia or 3rd party)

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Moreno’s posts this game can be sorted almost exclusively into two categories: Ones involving the lynch of me (Radishhead), and ones about (mainly defending) NintendoPie. Below is an analysis of almost all of his posts in the round so far – he’s very interesting when you look at his posts in this context. In this analysis, “1” = quote 1, and “A1” = analysis 1
1) “Reporting in!

I'd really like Radish to go too, he was a headache last round.

However, FF, pushing for a easy lynch?”
A1) Straight into the round, and stating that he would like a Radish lynch- presumably following the discussion that he had in the pre-game thread. Not particularly suspicious on its own, since a few others were mentioning it, but we’re only just getting started!
2) “Okay, but as everyone is saying, Radish plays it safe and is always a problem for town later on.
They gave me a hard time for playing badly, and that's probably what Radish needs”

A2) Well, he admits it himself- he’s going along with what “everyone” is saying (a bit of an exaggeration I might add; trying to convince us that his accusations are normal in the context?) – maybe there’s some truth behind it, but he hasn’t posted anything yet not related to my lynch.

3) “Well, honestly, after that post, I really want to lynch Radish now. Are we really going to keep him until the end only for him to confuse us and harm the town?
And even worse, he thinks he is not behaving the same as last round.

I think he needs a good dose of reality.

Vote: Radishhead”

A3) 3rd post in, and he’s not going to give up on this- heck, he’s not going to say anything not related to me dying for the time being. Note the rhetorical question- he’s asking the other players to effectively question their decisions to possibly give me another chance. This is either the move of a townie with a personal grudge, and not particularly great commitment to the round, or a mafia member who’s desperate to capitalise off the anti-Radish sentiments being spouted in the pre-game thread.
4) “What the hell?

I don't get it, is Stefl a jester or something?”

Vote: Stefl.

Also, just because we changed our focus, we shouldn't leave Radish of the hook.”
A4) He decides to move onto another player- Stefl. However, it isn’t anything that hasn’t been suggested already, and it seemed very sudden to go from “it’s all about Radish” to just going “lol Stef you jester” and sticking a vote on him. Also, I was about to mention that he’s finally made a post where he’s not suggesting my lynch, but he sticks that statement at the end to ensure that we don’t forget about it.
5) “Okay, that's it.
Vote: Radishhead.
You suspect ToS because he doesn't suspect you, that's... laughable.”

A5) Pretty rapid change of vote there, Moreno- realised that your Stef train was going to be a late departure? Good thing that you reminded us earlier that I wasn’t to be let “off the hook”! The quote that he used to frame me was interesting too- it was actually an observation of mine as to how Truck’s tone had changed from last round, and it hadn’t got much criticism from anyone else.


6) “Also, a little far fetched, but the people NOT pushing for Radish could be more likely Mafia, since Radish is almost always a help/shield to Mafia in the end.”

A6) Notice that he isn’t one of the people not pushing for me – he could very well be preparing a secondary mislynch of someone that he claims wasn’t pushing hard enough for my lynch (obviously leaving him safe, since he’s by far the biggest advocator of my death at this point)


From this point onwards he’s moved on from killing me, and onto defending NintendoPie.

7) @ Rol’s NinPie interrogation: “That's worthless or a trap.
Assuming Radish and Pie are Mafia, Pie would never admit being on the same team as Radish.
Assuming both are town Pie could have mistakenly said they are not on the same team.
Assuming Pie is Mafia, and Radish isn't, Pie would have said they ar eon the same team.
Assuming Radish is Mafia and Pie isn't, it's also guesswork.
Assuming you and Radish are Mafia, you could be using this to your advantage”

A7) Not much to say here really, but it was worth putting up because it was this that led to the argument between him and Rol.


8) “Because you are really pushing for him to answer?
FoS Rol.”

9) “How was he supposed to answer if "impossible to tell" was not an answer?”

10) “When he said he was unable to answer, you kept pushing, even if it was clear he can't answer.”

11) “Well, he did blindly say he was not on his team without thinking it much, but I'm sure you wouldn't have allowed a "impossible to answer" scenario.”

A8, 9, 10, 11) These quotes aren’t in rapid succession either- but they are taken from a line of his messages, without anything taken out between them. All of these messages seem desperate to me- it’s really strange, especially considering that NinPie hasn’t requested any of this help (not in the thread at least), and Rol did a similar interrogation technique on other players earlier. There’s no getting away from the fact that he believed that this line of questioning would put NinPie in serious trouble (no idea why, as it was only one player’s simple questions), and that this meant bad news for him for whatever reason – there’s no other reason that he would need to defend him in this way. I’m not accepting that he’s arguing with Rol for such a long time for the sake of protecting a “confused” new player. He continues below:


(NinPie): “Moreno really covers all of my feelings about this. ”

12) “Well, you should be doing this really, but I just find Rol's actions fishy.” (Rol notices this later on: “By the way, you were there when I asked baalz the same question earlier in the game and didn't have an issue with my actions, even though I used a harsher tone. Is there any particular reason why you jumped to pie's defense?”)

A12) There seems to be friendly communication going on between Moreno and NinPie at this point. Honestly, I’m not surprised that NP is cheerful about this- I would be too if someone just fought my side for me that hard. Not only this, but his reaction is simply “you should be doing this really...” – when he was MUCH more critical of the actions of people like Stef and I for much less suspicious behaviour than simply sitting back and letting someone argue a case for us. It could be that Moreno is mafia and trying to gain the trust of NinPie because he feels that he’s an easily manipulated townie, but I’m not sure yet.


13) “I'm just trying to stop abuse from someone who was very confused and apparently, is too weak to even try to defend himself. And let's assume we are both Mafia, I wouldn't be stupid enough to outright defend him.”
(Linkz mentions this a bit later on: “Let's assume one of you is mafia. Are you stupid enough to defend mafia as town, or are you defending a poor townie for brownie points?”)...[Moreno]: “No, I just really think Rol trying to make Pie answer something he can't is totally out of context.”
A13) More defence- very curious. Explains how he wouldn’t be “stupid enough” to outright defend a Mafia NinPie if they were both Mafia, but he explains that the reason for his defending was merely to “stop abuse”. To me, it suggests a Mafia Moreno, and a town NinPie.


NP1) [NinPie]: “Anyway, I can almost assure you that Moreno is not Mafia.”
ANP1) Not a Moreno quote, but it’s interesting looking at it with the context of the rest of Moreno/Ninpie’s communication this round. Has Moreno successfully manipulated townie NinPie, or are they both Mafia? I think it’s one or the other, because this is a VERY strange thing to say if neither are true.


14) “Honestly, this is where I wanted to go to.
Unvote: Radish
He is playing well right now.”

“I still think the case on NintendoPie is pretty weak since he is still a novice and doesn't get some things, Rol, on the other hand knows very well how to play and is very capable of luring players into their doom.”

“Now, I don't like Baalz, he looks like he is trying too hard to get people to vote for NintendoPie.”

- [Unvote] “he is playing well right now”: a fair few other players (Stef, Prof, among others?) didn’t think this – a bit quick to pull back considering how confident he was before?
- Just explaining past actions – I would have thought that he would have moved on from the NinPie debate by now, but I guess not
- He’s finally moved onto someone besides me and NP, but it’s actually just more defence of NinPie.


15) “I don't know, something, something related to flavor or skills? Of course, assuming said post exists in the first place.
I'm looking for something that might point to it as we speak.”...” How is that even rolefishing?
I said it COULD be that.”

A15) Sorry guys, I can’t follow this rolefishing convo- I understand that prof is accusing Moreno of it, but I don’t understand why (I think I missed a quote back there or something)

Thanks for reading

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Around the Network
NintendoPie said:
Wonktonodi said:
NintendoPie said:

I can't answer your question if I don't know what you are trying to ask me.

Just answer my question.

his question was pretty simple and right there.  It shouldn't have been that hard to answer.

Nice job digging this back up.

It wasn't simple.

I am going through and getting myself fully caught up with my responces. Although I was able to read much of what went on I wasn't able to reply.

It was and still is very simple.  Rol asked you a simple question. You made it much more complicated than you had to.

What hasn't been answered that I can see yet is why?  Were you trying to overthink as scum or was it just that you got confused about it.

DanneSandin said:
As the game is right now, the less you talk the better for you... But have you started talking you're in the mess...

Really? Because I've been talking at least more than you have, and I'm not in a mess.

Vote: Outlaw

I want to see how he responds.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

Well guys, I've got to say I love the night-life. This town is so fun to be in.

supermario128 said:

My general thoughts on everyone so far:

Pro town: Rol, Nen, Trucks, Linkz, Insomniac, Mantle, Wonk, Prof, Final Fan, Radish, NintyPie (most likely to least likely)

Mafia or 3rd party: Outlaw, Rainbow, Moreno, Danne, Noctis, Smeags, Baalz, Stefl (Most likely to least likely)


NintyPie: Couldn't answer a simple question when Rol asked him one. I still don't understand why he failed to do so, but he did tell me it was "Because I'm the stupidest person on the face of Earth." NintendoPie, you need more self confidence.  (Might be pro town)

It was a hard question to answer. I didn't know what in the world he was trying to question.

" Are you on the same team as Radish. (i.e. Scum or Town)" that is the example of a simple question.

Also, It doesn't make sense how you have Moreno and I so far apart. You even said it yourself, we could be on the same team.