Moderator’s Journal:
*Please note these on nothing more than notes I type as the game was going on, starting 3 weeks ago. I stopped the journal somewhere around day 4 or 5. Enjoy*
Day 1
My first lol moment was when FF replied to rol, who answered “wrong answer” several times already, if his next post was going to be wrong answer XD
Smeags “villager” post may come back to bite him in the ass. A common newb scum slip -- Referring to the town as if he isn’t a part of it. His own scum player Mario called him out on it. This will definitely give Mario town points.
Stefl specifically mentioned my preference of spelling “san” as “sen”. I definitely consider that as using the PM as proof of being town. Although I should mod kill him, I’m going to turn a blind eye.
People are coming to the realization I learned well over a year ago about Radish. He’s an attention whore –mention him, he’ll quote; make him the center of discussion, he’ll post, but only about himself. It’s quite annoying, even as a mod.
Prof’s “hand of Stalin” post was brilliant xD
Prof’s intuition kicking in about Wonk being scum. He didn’t state why he believes he’s scum, but I know the feeling too well. I’m interested to learn if he still suspects him later in the game.
Linkz finally made an appearance. Just in time I may add. He has a bad habit of disappearing for a good amount of time when he’s scum. He needs to understand that makes him suspicious regardless of who else is absent simply because he’s Linkz.
Overall, scum interactions with each other in the game is pretty balanced. They aren’t completely avoiding each other, and not going at each other in a way that would raise suspicion.
Prof just FoS’ed Linkz for being absent then suddenly posting a rather big post/s. Linkz hates hearing it, but he needs to be more consistent when he’s scum, Players with experience, like prof, will call him out on his absence. Prof’s heat will attract the investigative roles on Linkz. This is De Ja Vu when I correctly called out Linkz and Gnizmo as scum when they were absent in a previous game. They were both scum and recruited me … those bastards.
So far prof is correctly suspicious of 2 mafia. It makes me wonder how secure the quickly topics really are.
Rol is playing good, but he’s suspecting all the wrong people. But he redeemed himself by actively questioning Moreno’s actions.
So far Rol and baalz are doing the best scum hunting (pressuring Morne). Whereas prof loses points because he is definitely holding back his thoughts in fear of getting night killed again for being right. Ironically, with the few posts he made, he’s still the perfect target for scum. Can’t wait till night actions.
Prof explaining why he believes I switched roles with Spurge or something. Completely wrong but interesting theory. That’s our kryptonite prof –we overthink. Mantlepie is the one who is right. Spurge couldn’t be a switched role because I blatantly said “what if he was scum?” when I modkilled him. Spurge was always an alarmist.
Moreno is very inexperienced as mafia. Thought he’d be better honestly.
The last 200-300 posts leading into night 1 were absolutely boring. I’ve never been this bored hosting a game. I’ve gotten to a point where I wish Radish, ninpie, and smeags could have a brain transplant with more serious players. Prof is right, “spam.”
It’s about time someone other than myself noticed prof holding back, rol!
A lot of players are criticizing Trucks for being laid back and out of touch with this game. I like to believe he’s brilliantly deceiving scum by posing as a useless player while being perhaps the strongest role in the game, the cop.
Supermario doing a good job sowing the seeds of suspicion on prof
Trucks roleclaimed cop. Good job to Wonk, not just for putting the pressure on Trucks and causing the roleclaim, but for actively bailing out his scum mate Moreno from a potential lynch.
I’m glad the name/roleclaims are kicking in. I want all claimers to be punished. Not by me but by mafia. The more townies claim, the more mafia will punish them. I’m really disappointed, however, that my favorite role, “Character Name Investigator” came out to announce he scanned Yuna. Curse you ninpie!
OMG I fucking hate ninpie!
Haven’t been following the game as much as I would like to but from what I’ve last check, prof caused a few name/roleclaims that will spell doom to the town. He is thinking too highly of his thief ability while mafia have a whore, redirector, and busdriver. Disastrous on prof’s side.
So far day 2 is boring. No active scum hunting. Boring activity with no real discussion thanks to prof. Easily one of the most boring days I’ve hosted in a while.
Day 3
Mantle is right on the money with the passive janitor, except the janitor does know that it’s happening
Mantle is right on the money again with one big mafia faction based on the steady night kills.
Nen put all five scum in his list of 6, the only wrong one being F-F. That’s insane.
Everyone tosses Fos/HoS so meaninglessly. No one pursues any lynches or makes a case despite the fact that many FoSs are on scum. If your arguments and evidence are strong or at least there, take the initiative. Fos/HoSs have become a joke in mafia.
Anyone who knows me will know I would only put Erica or Catherine in this game because they are my favorites. Katherine is such a shitty claim (sorry smeags) because that character means nothing to me. I’m actually shocked that that went by unquestioned. Well nen and Prof know it’s a bullshit claim at least. But one’s already in the dead thread and the other is the SK.
Trucks Duke Nukem role was initially a 2 shot vigilante but I changed it for balancing reasons right before sending out PMs. His role is probably the only one that doesn’t match his character.
I really feel baalz pain with ninpie. I’m hosting and ninpie managed to aggravate me. I would have probably went ape shit on that kid if I was in the game.
I think F-F is deliberately behaving scummy~ish to avoid night kills. I’m nervous for him because mafia are now going after the SK arsonist. They suspect him of being the SK. I’m also nervous because he has a VIG SHOT AND WENT TWO NIGHTS WITHOUT USING IT!!! He has balls. I would have used it already, but he gambled and it’s paying off because his suspects are narrowed into a smaller pool.
I started to ignore ninpie posts
Radish’s post about learning his lesson was hilarious XD
Danne is one time bullet proof but is bluffing to have several . Nice bluff that will probably help him in the long run.
Ninpie does not have limitations on his investigations as he claims. I want to say he misunderstood his role but I really think is either retarded or deliberately acting more retarded.
Mantle figure out Radish was a jailkeeper. Again, he’s doing excellent for his first game.
Trucks nailed the arsonists ability and character. Prime/Ignite. EVE from Parasite Eve.
Moreno holding back. Briefly appears with briefer posts. Not his best game.
Linkz nicely blending in as the concerned town. He knows nen is the arsonist. He claims either nen or smeags is the SK, but smeags is his scum mate. I wonder if his mind will change as the day progresses. If not, he will end nen. Last thing he wants is a SK picking his faction off. I’d be surprised if he decides to kill anyone but nen tonite.
Smeags showing the newb mafia behavior that I’m so familiar with. Just like manuel last game. I’m really disappointed that he is not being pressured, harshly.
Wonk has a very interesting fakeclaim. And how suitable since there is in fact two SK. He also threw Radish’s JK claim under fire with that one. Wonk strikes again!
I’m not particularly happy with mario’s play. Too much parroting for my taste. Too much obvious acting. Fabricated FoSs etc. when radish and wonk were at it he fos’ed both of them *facepalm
Finally! Everyone agrees to ignore ninpie.
Trucks is right. All but 2 characters are either from my favorite game, or favorite characters.
Linkz claimed Chel from Portal. I’m not familiar with the game at all. I think I own portal 2 though. Lucky for him no one knows I haven’t the foggiest idea who chel is.
Nen is wrong. I don’t like or love samus or metroid for that matter. But I do like Zelda games.
Actually, Wonk choices for investigations are indeed piss poor as nen pointed out now that I think about it. He couldn’t have picked two worse players to target.
Mantle strongly defending Radish, Linkz strongly calling for Radish’s neck. Both playing excellently and soundly.
Scum Wonk getting really close to his scumbuddy linkz (buddying) that’s not advised generally in mafia, but no one is making the connection so I guess he’s safe. He also openly defended his scumbuudy Morn ion day one. Can’t really criticize him because he’s actually pulling it off without anyone questioning his actions.
Really disappointed in the lack of effort both Truck’s and F-F are putting in to look out for the interest of the town. They are the veteran towns, yet they are letting the veteran scum Linkz manipulate and control the game so far.
Day 4
I can’t believe smeags got so far without being questioned as hardly for his overall poor game. It took til day 4 for something the average player should eliminated by day 2.
Due to wonks final redirection, Linkz scanned town. What a well earned break.
Nen is relentless in his pursuit to lynch Linkz. Both scum
Good fakclaim by Mario:sensor. That should buy him the trust to save his scum team from two consecutive scum lynches, since smeags is the obvious lynch.
Fun fact: F-F’s PlumbBob was originally a sensor, but I later felt that was too strong of a weapon for town. I instead gave him a nerfed Jack of All Trades.
Mantle is reading way too into the flavor. Especially since I’m –for the most part- pretty straight forward with ‘em.
Stefl is being retarded. That is all. I have no other way to describe him.
Trucks very doubtful of his. He should be. He claimed in like his 5 th post of the game!
Nen doesn’t know the difference b/w busdriver and redirector -_-