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DanneSandin said:

Man I hope you flip scum....

You will be very disappointed then.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

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supermario128 said:
DanneSandin said:

Man I hope you flip scum....

You will be very disappointed then.

So I'm the last Townie left... A noob...

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Come on already Hat, end this aweful day =(

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

I'm at work and no way can write flavor.
Day end

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

(This really slipped of my VGC Buddy quickly...)

Tagging for a Lynch Reaction.

Around the Network

I'm going to assume we are in twilight.

Well, if Mario flips town, then congratz to your wonderful job playing mafia FinalFan

Money can't buy happiness. Just video games, which make me happy.

Baalzamon said:
I'm going to assume we are in twilight.

Well, if Mario flips town, then congratz to your wonderful job playing mafia FinalFan
hatmoza said:
I'm at work and no way can write flavor.
Day end

Signature goes here!

"It's hard to find that inspiration to write when you know the end is right around the corner." Mr. Kitten explain to his Co-worker Cole Mcgrath at his new job, "Plus these days are ending irregularly all of a sudden. During my eight hour shifts..." What are you talking 'bout Mr. Kitten, we're in Hamburgerville you schitz!" yelled Rufus "sometimes I think you live in a different world, far away from Hamburgerville behind a computer screen still wearing your tie on your now untidy dress shirt, sipping on your Wendy's coffee that you got on your way home from work." Mr Kitten told Rufus to escort him home after telling him to shut up.

"Whatever happened to you and Erica?" Mr. Kitten asked Rufus, "yeah, about that, I forgot to grow plants in her back yard and Zombies ate her brains"... "Did you say brains?" mario asked in a whispery voice as he was being carried to the gallows opposite the direction Mr. Kitten and Rufus were walking, "I love brains. during the cold war I had to eat what I found." Rufus remembering about the now routine lynches asked, "aren't you gonna go watch the hanging today?" Mr. Kitten answered, "Who cares."

"Wait what?!" shouted mario, I'm considered a patriot! How dare you, I ate rats for this country. I lost an eye for your sorry ass!... wait, it doesn't matter. This is all a dream. I'm not really being dragged to my death, yep, I'm still in a dream."

The town prepared mario, wrapped the noose around his neck and before letting him drop they all gathered hands and began to sing:

What a thrill...
With darkness and silence through the night
What a thrill...
I'm searching and I'll melt into you
What a fear in my heart
But you're so supreme!

I'd give my life

Not for honor, but for you! [Snake Eater]
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you! [Snake Eater]
I'm still in a dream,
Snake Eater!

Someday you go through the rain

And someday, you feed on a tree frog
This ordeal, the trial to survive
For the day we see new light!

I'd give my life

Not for honour, but for you! [Snake Eater]
In my time there'll be no one else
Crime, it's the way I fly to you! [Snake Eater]
I'm still in a dream,
Snake Eater!

I am still in a dream,

Snake Eater!


Did the town just commit another mislynch? 


mario was Lynched

Night 6 Start ... ed a while ago!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

A slight wind picked up in the fine town of Hamburgerville. In the distance, a faint object could be seen approaching the town. It looked a like a tornado. "I guess this is it" yelled Mr. Kitten as as the wind picked up in force. "IT ALWAYS ENDS LIKE THIS" screamed Mr. KITTEN as to be heard over the now powerful windstorm. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!" cried Rufus, "AT THE END OF MY VISIT TO EACH TOWN  I GO TO, A CATASTROPHIC DISASTER WIPES OUT EVERYTHING! TOWN, SCUM, PEOPLE, FACES, MEMORIES, EVERYTHING" responded Mr. Kitten, "LIFE NEEDS TO GO ON, AND THE GAME MUST GO ON, RATHER, CONTINUE."     "BUT THAT MEANS I"LL BE GONE TOO" answered Rufus as trees began to crash to the ground. MR. Kitten reassured him that he will forever live on ... actually, Mr. Kitten never got finish what he was saying because the ground beneath Rufus cracked and swallowed Rufus whole before closing back in on him. "Well that was unfortunate!"

The town of Hamburgerville was coming to its end. Only a few dozen remained from  its total population, and a handful of them still sought out the bad people who remained. The corpse of mario was revealed to be that of BIG BOSS. With another baddy down, they still had hope to rid Hamburgerville from every last scum who corrupted their once glorious Hamburgerville... except that now Hamburgerville was going to hell anyway.

But maybe just maybe, this one time, Hamburger can be saved. Maybe if the town actually got it right... maybe... hopefully things would go back to normal. "DON'T WORRY"  yelled out the Prince of Persia as lava began to spew out of the  nowhere, "I have this Dagger of time that will take us back to the first day Mr. Kitten came to town! We will know who the baddys are and kill 'em before this mess ever happens!" unfortunately, the tidal waves at the parameter of the town brought in a Kraken that started to eat townies whole, starting with the Prince of Persia and his Time Dagger, or whatever the hell that dagger's called.

"TOWNIES" yelled Mr. Kitten, "IT'S UP TO YOU TO SAVE US!"


mario was BIG BOSS

mario was Mafia Godfather

Rufus was Killed

Rufus was the Co-Mod

Day 7 Start!

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089