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theprof00 said:
Yaknow, I still think Wonk is scum. When he comes back I will initiate with him a bit more.

FF seems to be playing in a way that would indicate town for me, though not sure if he's aware that he's doing it.

Oh, I totally am.  What am I doing? 

Tag (courtesy of fkusumot): "Please feel free -- nay, I encourage you -- to offer rebuttal."
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
My advice to fanboys: Brag about stuff that's true, not about stuff that's false. Predict stuff that's likely, not stuff that's unlikely. You will be happier, and we will be happier.

"Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts." - Sen. Pat Moynihan
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The old smileys: ; - ) : - ) : - ( : - P : - D : - # ( c ) ( k ) ( y ) If anyone knows the shortcut for , let me know!
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
I have the most epic death scene ever in VGChartz Mafia.  Thanks WordsofWisdom! 

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outlawauron said:
I didn't expect this much activity on Mother's Day either Mr. Kitten.


Vote: radish

In other news, radish are done quite a bit to draw suspicion and I think Rol is right when he says that it's a very high chance that he is scum.

Can you pick out a particular quote of mine that you thought was suspicious, and explain why you think it means that I'm Mafia?

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

RolStoppable said:
Linkzmax said:


Oh. I see what you did there. Learn anything from laying the same trap twice?

What we can learn from this is that the famous "new radish" only exists in the imagination of some people. He is a myth. Fiction. An empty promise.

I think that was shown with the first trap. Were you giving him a chance at redemption the second time?

TruckOSaurus said:
nen-suer said:

From mafia wiki:


A few moderators make Alarmists' protection permanent. However, this effectively confirms the player as non-Cult for the rest of the game

if they were not Cult-aligned to begin with

Spurg IS an Alarmist, so i think its silly of us to write the cult off just becouse Hat hates them.

The Alarmist exsistance almost confirm them, plus i can see hat giving them some limitations (recruiter die if tried to recruit mafia & can only recruit on even/odd nights for example)

So FoS for all who thinks Hat is just screwing with us.


hatmoza promised chaos. Having an alarmist for nothing fits into this perfectly.

This. An alarmist sans a cult would be like a naive doctor.

Final-Fan said:
nen, this has been a long time coming. And I don't intend to beat around teh bush as our Day 1s have been lasting too long already.

Day 1 lasted 4 days last round, that's like the speediest Day 1 without a deadline that I can remember. The problem was that it was over 2000 posts and most of them were trash.

RolStoppable said:
Baalzamon said:
RolStoppable said:
Baalzamon said:
I really do wonder if those pushing the idea that Hat is fucking with us are ballsy enough to put the spotlight on themselves if they are indeed members of a potential cult, or if those members would stay quiet.

Well, what does logic dictate?

Logic tells me they aren't going to make it that easy to track them down, but one never knows with some of the players.

Wrong answer.

Logic tells you that an alarmist is there to counter a cult leader. A cult leader recruits townies at Night and makes them cultists. Therefore on Day 1 the size of the cult (if there is one) is one and there can't be an organized movement of cult members.

Not necessarily. A cult leader could start with a cultist already; however, since day talking isn't allowed there really won't be much of an organized movement anyway.

More importantly, Baalz is right in that it'd be very ballsy if any of us were a part of a cult/a cult leader. If a cult is revealed to actually exist, we'd be heavily questioned for saying it's unlikely one exists.

Smeags said:

Vote: No Lynch

I've never played a Mafia game where we lynch someone first round. Don't the villagers have to get mad at something before we lynch someone?

(I didn't even realize we could do a no lynch vote... it seems I have a lot to learn...)

Now if you 'scuze me, I've got a butchery to run. *sharpens cleaver*

We've moved away from cowardly play in an interest of having a day 1 that can give some insight for the rest of the game.

supermario128 said:

Just got back from work a few hours ago. All caught up with the posts, which would have taken much much longer last game. lol


My general thoughts/ opinions on some comments:

insomniac17 said:
Well that was fast... So, does this mean there is a cult? Or is hatmoza trying to fool us?

It doesn't confirm anything 100%, but I am inclined to believe the latter.

Final-Fan said:
Vote radish

Like I said, he's hurting the town -- no, hurting the GAME -- and he is refusing to get better. He needs to know things have to change, and a game or two of getting lynched on Day 1 should let him know shit has gotten real. Last game made it pretty clear to me that he's comfortable with the status quo of him being awful and town and mafia both steering clear of him because of how awful he is. That has to stop.

This is an intervention. Help radish. Lynch him.

While I generally agree with you I still don't watch to lynch him just because he is playing bad. From what I have learned Radish hurting the town means he is pro town and Radish helping the town means he is mafia, so I really don't want to lynch him when he will most likely turn up pro town because of the way he has played so far. I haven't played with Radish in too many games yet, so maybe I am not as frustrated as the rest of you at this point in time. It just seems odd to me that you chose this game. Why not last game, or the one before that?

FoS: Final Fan

Smeags said:

So this first round lynch is pretty much just a eeny-meanie-mynie-moe choice...

Not at all. If we get ample discussion going there will usually be someone who slips up and says the wrong thing. The longer the day the better chance of this happening.

mantlepiecek said:
RolStoppable said:

If you are a member of an anti-faction, don't hesitate to say so. We don't lynch newbies on Day 1.


Are you saying you are a member of the mafia or some other faction? Or, are you saying "sure" as in "yeah right"?

FoS: Mantle


Smeags said:

Don't the villagers have to get mad at something before we lynch someone?

Now if you 'scuze me, I've got a butchery to run. *sharpens cleaver*

What do you mean by "the villagers"? Are you saying you are not a "villager" yourself? Also, a cleaver doesn't sound like something a townie would have...

FoS: Smeags

mantlepiecek said:
vote : No Lynch

Can everyone please stop voting "no lynch" so fast. I haven't even posted yet (before now) and it is already the majority.

I'm not used to so much fat to trim in your catch up posts.(Original post for reference) Why so hiding of the few good points with a lot of irrelevant things?

radishhead said:
Stefl1504 said:

Urgh... just do so, okay? Go hunt scum!!!

I am o.o I swear that I can't win xD

- I suggested that he probably isn't mafia (ie. a town vibe)- that's just as useful as suggesting that I feel that someone could be mafia

- I also warned him that he's being overly suspicious and analytical, which could result in him being lynched/killed in the future

So this isn't you saying that your lynch would be bad? "Due to this, I believe that you're not actually Mafia, but you're still performing a risky action here"

It's certainly not warning him that he's overly suspicious and thus at risk of being lynched in the future. How is Rol overly suspicious anyway?
Nor that he's he's being over analytical and thus at risk of being killed at night. Most of us don't care to hold back on our scum-hunting just to avoid being killed by mafia. Actually sometimes being night killed is for the best of town, and so we give it 110% just to get that target.

radishhead said:
At least kill me in a couple of days when you'll be able to get information from my death- ie. people's interactions with me in the previous days could give a clue (some people might have been pushing too hard for a lynch etc)


Some people think that I don't take suggestions into consideration, but like any well-oiled organisation, I like to think that my current playstyle is a combination of all the things that I've learnt during my time playing Mafia - honestly, I think that a lot of players here can't see through the "old radish" that messed up in so many games during the past, that they can't put their biases aside and realise that I'm not actually the same player anymore.

So if you're not lynched today, who's death will provide better information? And are you telling me that I'm not going to be able to accurately read you, because that doesn't bode well for you if you're town.

TruckOSaurus said:

@Stefl: Your reasons for suspecting Final-Fan are ridiculous and go against what I've come to expect from him. FF posts less as scum not more.

I guess I'm the only one that thinks FF doesn't post much early on regardless of his alignment, and it's only in later days when his activity can be used as a tell.

Just because FF has a crusdae already to sink his "fangs" into doesn't mean that "unnatural high activity" is inapplicable. FF could have come into the thread and simply voted with something along the lines of "said I'd do it in the sign-ups" and been mostly quiet for the rest of the day. I don't agree that the change in playstyle is suspicious though, because like I said two rounds ago, werid/unnatural is a bad indicator of being scum. However, Stefl does say that it's not enough to push for a lynch, so unlike you that was redeeming to me.

RolStoppable said:
DanneSandin said:
Why do we all wanna lynch somebody day one? Is it cuz of how they use to play and have exposed them selfs?

If we all went for "no lynch" on Day 1, then the only information we would have on Day 2 would be the people who died during Night 1 and that isn't necessarily much. By trying to find a candidate for a lynch on Day 1, even if it is a mislynch, we have discussions to look back on that can help us to determine who is scum.

We'd probably have more than just who died Night 1, but yes Day 1 can be a gold mine.

morenoingrato said:
radishhead said:
DanneSandin said:
HoS and FoS are the same?

HoS is more serious than FoS, but neither of them technically do anything

@ Stef: It sounds like a believeable character for the role, but it's so easy to fakeclaim in this game because it seems like people are from a massive variety of games. 

At the moment my main suspicions are on Trucks, because he'd normally be much more critical towards my gameplay than he is currently being - he seems to be holding himself back as if to distance himself from a lynch should one occur

Okay, that's it.


Vote: Radishhead.

You suspect ToS because he doesn't suspect you, that's... laughable.

What happened to all the analysis of last game, Mr. Trigger-Happy?

nen-suer said:
radishhead said:

@ Stef: It sounds like a believeable character for the role, but it's so easy to fakeclaim in this game because it seems like people are from a massive variety of games. 

At the moment my main suspicions are on Trucks, because he'd normally be much more critical towards my gameplay than he is currently being - he seems to be holding himself back as if to distance himself from a lynch should one occur

Kiryu is one of hat favourite characters so there is a very good chance of him being here thats why i belive stefl.

I agree with you about Trucks, he's too quite and we all know how he hates bing mafia.

And this is true also for Linkz.

Wait.. I hate being mafia or I'm quite(:P) as mafia?

Why are you so focused on my absence? This makes twice you've mentioned me, but you say nothing of Wonk, Noctis, prof, or Baalz who were all at best as active as me.

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radishhead said:
Noctis could be mafia; waiting out most of the first day because he thinks that another target will be locked onto by the time he gets there. I can imagine it now, he walks into the thread and -as planned -I am already being taken down; on L2, I'm still valiantly holding my ground, insisting that we'd better spend our time looking elsewhere. Noctis adds some "evidence" that's in reality just a remix of things that other people in the thread of said already. It causes a storm among the short-sighted and lynch-eager members of the town, and they lynch me. When I turn out town, most of them will go "ah well, it was only radish", but Noctis will know that he's got the town under his control from that moment onwards. That's a dangerous position for us to be.

Atta boy! Quite the imagination, but at least it's original.

nen-suer said:
radishhead said:

Because that's what I've always said throughout these rounds, and I've always been proven right. I believe that it's a case of reverse-reverse psychology. The mafia vote me because the townies think that the mafia would consider me an easy lynch, but since the townies believe this, they don't vote because they're afraid that the mafia will take over the vote train and leave them looking suspicious. The mafia are always considering killing me at night, but they can't shake off the feeling that they might one day be able to get the town to follow them on their lynch train.

I think I messed up halfway through that theory, but the moral of the story is that I generally understand what's happening here

See Radish its really simple.
Mafia don't want to waste there valuable night kill on you and hope the town lynch you
while town don't want to waste there valuable lynch on you and hope the mafia kills you.
This dead lock situation is the reason why you always survive.

The moral of this story is that you have no clue period.

You're both wrong.(nen, only somewhat)

radish, you call just about everyone that votes you mafia. Of course once in a blue moon you'll be right, but that doesn't mean that the majority of people voting you will be town.(It's a fact of Mafia) Townies wouldn't fear being suspicious after mafia take control of a mislynch, because it's the mafia that are going to be questioned.

Cold truth: Mafia don't kill radish because he's not a threat to them in the day. He's either a mislynch or more likely to be a part of a mislynch then push a mafia lynch and be listened to.

Town know mafia aren't going to kill him. Most can't read him well, so they weigh whether it's better to remove him and hope he's scum or try to focus on finding scum in one of the other players.

Stefl1504 said:
Well, I should probably drop my support for Radish, since he actually had the perfect opportunity going after me, but he did not - I am thankfull now that I did not get lynched in order to give him another day of nothing...

Pretty sure you're town,(although bodyguard is a pretty safe fakeclaim) so why did you do all of that to give radish a chance anyway? Do you have a town read or was it simply out of the goodness of your heart?

hatmoza said:

With 20 players, 11 votes is the majority.

No lynch(3): Radish, Outlaw, Smeags,
Radish(4):Rol, F-F, Theprof, Moreno

Mother's Day Stamp

Mr. Kitten honestly didn't think he'd find more than 150 posts on Mother's Day.

Is there a reason Truck's vote didn't count?

Also, are you going to enforce unvotes for new votes to count?

RolStoppable said:
NintendoPie said:
I hate all of you because you posted too freaking much!

Are you on the same team as radish?

Would that be the scum team?

I wanted to give Radish the opportunity to redeem himself somehow, turns out that it does not look like he is willing to do so, or able to do so... sadly... I am kind of flip-flopping if he is actually town or not, one post I get the "urgh, yeah, thats town radish feeling" then next I get the "urgh, urge to lynch raising" feeling, though right now I think he is town...

Also I don't approve of "he is Radish, he acts Radish, lets lynch him day 1" without even starting some other discussion, or giving him the opportunity to do something...

RolStoppable said:
NintendoPie said:
RolStoppable said:

Are you on the same team as radish?

Would that be the scum team?

Just answer my question.

I can't answer your question if I don't know what you are trying to ask me.

Just answer my question.

Stefl1504 said:
I wanted to give Radish the opportunity to redeem himself somehow, turns out that it does not look like he is willing to do so, or able to do so... sadly... I am kind of flip-flopping if he is actually town or not, one post I get the "urgh, yeah, thats town radish feeling" then next I get the "urgh, urge to lynch raising" feeling, though right now I think he is town...

Also I don't approve of "he is Radish, he acts Radish, lets lynch him day 1" without even starting some other discussion, or giving him the opportunity to do something...

I've been doing things in the first day of this round that I didn't do throughout the whole of the last round - didn't you hear me interregate Rol and Outlaw back there? It wasn't anything too pressing, but I thought that it was a start at least - or at least enough to prove that I'm "willing" to make changes.

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~