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@ Noctis and Mario:
Would you mind elaborating a bit about why you're voting for me? Yes, yes, you find me scummy - but in what way? And why are you in such a rush to lynch me Mario? Urging ppl to vote on me? We haven't heard from half the players yet, and you urgently want to lynch me? how come?

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

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DanneSandin said:

What I was trying to say in that first statement was that NinPie had outed himself too early - badly worded, agreed.

I don't know what maffia would do with the information about the game character - I just wanted to see if everyone had big roles, or if there were smaller parts as well. So far it's consistent with being big roles - probably names everyone knows of.

Yes. It was a mistake to come forward because he didn't find any scum yet. However, you saying "I hope you don't die" seemed really fake to me. You can call it badly worded, but it really isn't. The words are quite clear at that is exactly what I would expect mafia to say. When I play I don't just take what everyone says as truth. You have to ask yourself, "What would I do if I was in his shoes?"

Exactly. I can understand that you wanted to know if there were "big" roles or not, but don't you understand that mafia would be very curious about that as well?


DanneSandin said:
@ Noctis and Mario:
Would you mind elaborating a bit about why you're voting for me? Yes, yes, you find me scummy - but in what way? And why are you in such a rush to lynch me Mario? Urging ppl to vote on me? We haven't heard from half the players yet, and you urgently want to lynch me? how come?

I am in no rush, and am in favor of the day lasting as long as possible. However, when people do decide to vote I urge them to consider you as an option. I honestly think you are one of our strongest cases at the moment for reasons I have stated since the early stages of day 1.

Nintendo still doomed?
Feel free to add me on 3DS or Switch! (PM me if you do ^-^)
Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089

DanneSandin said:
@ Noctis and Mario:
Would you mind elaborating a bit about why you're voting for me? Yes, yes, you find me scummy - but in what way? And why are you in such a rush to lynch me Mario? Urging ppl to vote on me? We haven't heard from half the players yet, and you urgently want to lynch me? how come?

Well, for instance, yesterday you said that there is only doc, cop and regular townie.

I asked you if you were the cop or the doc. It was rhetorical question, I knew what your answer was going to be given your statement. That's because there are no regular townies (or at least I very very highly doubt it).

Given that you later say that you were confused and meant to say "just not cop or doc" you yet still push today for something like what MY role is....well, I would think that someone who had a role would also want to keep it secret, so you would have sympathized with me, but instead, not only did you push my to clim but when I said it was beneficial to trucks you suddenly started to push suspicion as well. That doesn't look good in my book.

Of course, perhaps you're just paranoid, or a noob, but compounds things because you don't seem to be a noob to mafia. Rather, it seems like you're just trying to put on that image.

Does The Mafia know the other Mafia Players Name's?

NintendoPie said:
Does The Mafia know the other Mafia Players Name's?


Like their Character Name.

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Probably, if they speak at night, they may have brought that up.

morenoingrato said:

Probably, if they speak at night, they may have brought that up.

First Off: >_>

Secondly, thank you, that is what I was getting at. 

Is Danne wanting me to keep my discovery of the person's Character secret because he is on his team? Maybe he knows something that you guys' do not! (I.E. the Player who is Yuna.)

Final-Fan said:
Linkzmax said:
TruckOSaurus said:

If it was you I scanned, would you want me to reveal to all you're 100% innocent and thus make you a target for the next Mafia kill?

I'd rather be confirmed town and an even higher priority target(though still lower than the cop, right?) than chance you dying before claiming it.

But what if the one he investigated just happens to be a power role?  I bet then they wouldn't want to be confirmed.  Are you willing to take that risk?  Or would you rather be confirmed even if you were a power role? 

This isn't your little mason "cult" of last game. There won't be anyone else with the data ToS has if he is killed. If prof is right about there being a bus driver or role blocker (role bloker being more likely if no one comes forward with question for him) and one our protective roles already claimed there is a big risk that ToS won't be able to reveal if he doesn't do it today.

As I said, the chances of Yuna being Mafia are very, very low, she is probably a doc or something like that.

That said, I also think you should keep it secret until otherwise needed.

Linkzmax said:
It sounds like prof is claiming or something similar.

This does fit prof's hints but not the fact that when I revealed that I had an investigation result prof suggested that he may have been bussed. Him being bussed wouldn't stop him from motivating me.

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