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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Sony Announces PS Vita In Crystal White Color For Japan

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Is A White PS Vita A Desperate Move By Sony ??

Yes 16 29.63%
No 37 68.52%

Looks nice imo.


Gaming on: PS4 Pro, Switch, SNES Mini, Wii U, PC (i5-7400, GTX 1060)

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Looks great! If I have the choice I will pick white.

Anything but black, actually. I don't want to be the cool kid, but the fun kid.

Ajescent said:
Why is this a "Desperate" move? Is this the first time anyone has released colours after a console launch? Were they considered desperate?

It's not desperate by any means, but it's weird they announced this so much time before release

This will hamper sales a bit until june 28.

Turkish said:
+10k sales weekly on average confirmed

Sometimes I'm not sure if you are serious or you are a joke account. I hope the latter, you can't believe what you wrote.

Why would this be considered desperate? Looks quite nice but won't make much of a difference to sales.

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miz1q2w3e said:
Looks yucky

Are you kidding me? It looks great! I totally would have gotten this instead of black if I had the chance, mostly because I have too many consoles that are black.

Why on earth is this is desperate? history pretty much shows new colour's are always introduced.

If this came to UK I would trade my black one in pronto

You guys should check out the Official Vita thread sometime, we're generally ahead of the curve on news

Looks freakin' awesome in my opinion. If I ever pick up a Vita, this will be my colour of choice.

And yeah, this is not desperate at all. Cutting $80 from the original price tag and rushing out a Mario Kart title would be though.

DAMN IT!! That's what I want... and I already dropped $250!!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!

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