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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

I'm just noting to myself the three people who are going nuts over this mario thing are people suspects of mine.

Maybe if someone else were to back up these suspicions about mario's claim, I'd be more inclined to think that I was dealing with townies, but since that isn't the case, I'm thinking most of them are mafia.

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RolStoppable said:
Linkzmax said:
Voting mario doesn't really affect believing the fortune cookie.

But mario is a possible cop while trucks is possibly mafia. It's strange to see people jumping at the former's throat.

Linkz himself put forward a nen/trucks scum team in his discussion with me.

Those are the two people at the forefront of this mario party.

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

You went from a drawing with 3 people in it, to a fortune cookie naming a single person.

My wording wasn't very good. It took a claimed cop scan to get me to unvote you. I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates, and and is proof he wanted people off you.

Yes, your wording wasn't very good at all. Almost like your explanation isn't what you meant at all.

Your two linkz have nothing to do with you. I said it was because he started to become suspected, your first link proves that but doesn't prove anything related to the context your placing it in.

Yes. Mario claimed the cop scan specifically to change my vote. I needed him to do that or I couldn't back off of your lie.

I wasn't trying to prove I called you guys scummates, nor disprove anyone else had done so. The links are proof that mario claimed to get people off you. It's pretty hard to misinterpret "I'd like everyone to change their votes off of prof now."

"You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. "

No he didn't, and your two links do not prove it.

He claimed because he was accused of being scum by spurge.

You say:

"I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates", then you place a link completely contradicting yourself -


"I needed him to do that or I couldn't back off of your lie."
"You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you."

You actually voted me way before I told you it was a lie.

Another misinterpretation?


You couldn't tell the bold was sarcasm?

You said "Yet I lied and neither you nor linkz want me dead. And both of you have called mario a liar and that mario needs to die. YET both of you acknowledge that the pm could've been worded as "you will also get his item", and could have been confusing. Why?"

But that isn't true. Yes, I thought you were mafia before you revealed you lied. I did not unvote you until mario claimed a cop scan on you. That is what it took to get me off of you.

That link isn't a contradiction. spurge is not calling mario scummy nor your scummate. It's basically "your word isn't convincing enough."

RolStoppable said:
Linkzmax said:
Voting mario doesn't really affect believing the fortune cookie.

But mario is a possible cop while trucks is possibly mafia. It's strange to see people jumping at the former's throat.

Mario is more likely a flavor cop, which would be scum. And that being the case, could condemn trucks as well.

If he's completely lying, then prof is probable scum instead.

In case you don't understand Rol, mafia can easily fakeclaim cop because they already know(to a strong degree of certainty) who mafia and town are, which makes it child's play to say X is town and Y is mafia. Town has no benefit from learning what item another player has without the description of what the item does.(yes I do believe that part is a lie and mario does learn the item's description as well)

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youre really going to call that sarcasm.

Unlesa of course there is a godgather carrying a death stick fir an item.

Then it makes perfect sense to see the item.

How could you read it any other way? It's not saying what was actually said by mario, which was to get everyone off of you. I insinuated mario did it SO that I could unvote, as if the only purpose was to give me an excuse off of your lynch.

In reality I could vote or unvote anyone I please without claims or lies.

Or if he scanned me and saw town but i was holding scrrap zinc