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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

nen-suer said:

The only thing that bothers me is that you have both the abilities of a normal cop & a flavor cop.

I mean getting an innocent read on a player is enough, but knowing the item he hold is a over powering (especially in a game with cookie jars).

Stefl really is messing with us in this game

That's one of the glaring problems though. There is no point in learning what a player holds without a description of what the item does. As far as scanning goes there is no actual extra information gained once the alignment is already learned.

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TruckOSaurus said:

SM128 apologizes for the mix up and bargains with Linkz and that's where it gets very interesting. He promises not only an investigation but also the item of the investigated player... but going back through his statements, he made it clear the item thing was a one shot-deal but now that's apparently just part of his power.

Nice catch. That's even worse than not realizing he had a player bound item.

theprof00 said:

I would also venture that this means mafia believes there is a doc, and rightfully so, and that they have no roleblocker.

What kind of shitty balancing are you accusing Stefl of?

theprof00 said:

He stated before his claim that you were a good lead. He wants to lynch you because he already knows I'm telling the truth.

I didn't say you were coaching him, I said you combatted his point. Maybe you didn't coach him, but something made him change his stance on noname, that's for sure, and it definitely wasn't FF's flip.

Yet I lied and neither you nor linkz want me dead. And both of you have called mario a liar and that mario needs to die. YET both of you acknowledge that the pm could've been worded as "you will also get his item", and could have been confusing. Why?

You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. Your brushing aside the glaring problems with what Mario is saying would make me happy to vote you once again, but I'll take the claimed flavor cop first.

Sure, it's possible he could have thought he'd get a second item if the phrasing was unclear, but there is zero chance mario thought it was a standard role PM rather than an item PM.

nen-suer said:

I didnt what to bring this up until Mario is online so i dont give time, but first you know is the item name.

Mario still didnt say what his item name was. Why ? becouse he thought about the role claim but the item name.

You cant be confused if you have an item or not coze the item has a feaken name!

Ding ding ding! We have a winner. Your vote on prof is horribly reasoned though.

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Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

He stated before his claim that you were a good lead. He wants to lynch you because he already knows I'm telling the truth.

I didn't say you were coaching him, I said you combatted his point. Maybe you didn't coach him, but something made him change his stance on noname, that's for sure, and it definitely wasn't FF's flip.

Yet I lied and neither you nor linkz want me dead. And both of you have called mario a liar and that mario needs to die. YET both of you acknowledge that the pm could've been worded as "you will also get his item", and could have been confusing. Why?

You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. Your brushing aside the glaring problems with what Mario is saying would make me happy to vote you once again, but I'll take the claimed flavor cop first.

Sure, it's possible he could have thought he'd get a second item if the phrasing was unclear, but there is zero chance mario thought it was a standard role PM rather than an item PM.

I lied about what, exactly?

And no he didn't claim to get you off of me, he claimed because people started to call him my "mafia buddy"

theprof00 said:

Please try to word yourself a little better.

He thought his item was tied to his role. There's really not a huge deal about it.

You're theorizing that he came up with a role claim, not an item claim, DESPITE having teammates?

I'll repeat. You think that out of his mafia team, nobody thought to talk about that last night?

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

This is not true. He specifically said he thought he had a role and no item.

There is no way to tell what conversation or lackthereof his teammates had about the claim.

It makes plenty of sense even if you're town and trucks IS his mafia buddy. Like last round after you thought I was town because Stefl died instead of me and so I toned down my "suspicions" of you because keeping you around would be good for me. Going to the lengths of a claim is more extreme, but you do realize mafia could be aware that a counter claim will not occur, right? I think those circumstances are unlikely, but to say a counterclaim is needed to lynch mario is just, well bad.

theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. Your brushing aside the glaring problems with what Mario is saying would make me happy to vote you once again, but I'll take the claimed flavor cop first.

Sure, it's possible he could have thought he'd get a second item if the phrasing was unclear, but there is zero chance mario thought it was a standard role PM rather than an item PM.

I lied about what, exactly?

And no he didn't claim to get you off of me, he claimed because people started to call him my "mafia buddy"

You went from a drawing with 3 people in it, to a fortune cookie naming a single person.

My wording wasn't very good. It took a claimed cop scan to get me to unvote you. I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates, and and is proof he wanted people off you.

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:

Please try to word yourself a little better.

He thought his item was tied to his role. There's really not a huge deal about it.

You're theorizing that he came up with a role claim, not an item claim, DESPITE having teammates?

I'll repeat. You think that out of his mafia team, nobody thought to talk about that last night?

Additionally, and this is something you can't possibly know because you're not me, but it makes absolutely not a lick of sense for him to stick his neck out for me when I was going to be lynched (probably), and push for someone who not only has barely contributed, but also has no item.

This is not true. He specifically said he thought he had a role and no item.

There is no way to tell what conversation or lackthereof his teammates had about the claim.

It makes plenty of sense even if you're town and trucks IS his mafia buddy. Like last round after you thought I was town because Stefl died instead of me and so I toned down my "suspicions" of you because keeping you around would be good for me. Going to the lengths of a claim is more extreme, but you do realize mafia could be aware that a counter claim will not occur, right? I think those circumstances are unlikely, but to say a counterclaim is needed to lynch mario is just, well bad.

Why do something so incredibly rash? It's just crazy! Who would do that? Maybe if this were day 3, I'd be inclined to agree with you, but this is a cop claim on day 2, when we can still lynch a cop and be semi-OK.

Also, despite the item/role discussion of the cop, were he to say it was a one use item, I would also be inclined to agree with you, because that's a good counter-claim protection. "Oh I didn't say I was the cop, I just had a one time item". It negates counter-claim. But he didn't, he went with full-on cop claim.

While you are right in the last sentence, your point is skewed. I am ready to lynch a cop when the circumstances call for it, but these are far from those circumstances.

The other thing is, I was already buying Mario as a townie on day 1. Go back and check. I called his hardheadedness a "wonk-town-tell" ie; he's being so hard headed and arrogant that it could only be town. He had no reason to support me like that.

Linkzmax said:
theprof00 said:
Linkzmax said:

You lied and then mario claimed a cop scan to get me off of you. Your brushing aside the glaring problems with what Mario is saying would make me happy to vote you once again, but I'll take the claimed flavor cop first.

Sure, it's possible he could have thought he'd get a second item if the phrasing was unclear, but there is zero chance mario thought it was a standard role PM rather than an item PM.

I lied about what, exactly?

And no he didn't claim to get you off of me, he claimed because people started to call him my "mafia buddy"

You went from a drawing with 3 people in it, to a fortune cookie naming a single person.

My wording wasn't very good. It took a claimed cop scan to get me to unvote you. I don't believe anyone besides myself called you guys scummates, and and is proof he wanted people off you.

Yes, your wording wasn't very good at all. Almost like your explanation isn't what you meant at all.

Your two linkz have nothing to do with you. I said it was because he started to become suspected, your first link proves that but doesn't prove anything related to the context your placing it in.