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Prof calm down- I sense a mad, angry tone in all of your posts at the moment, and I feel that it could affect your judgement if it continues

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:

Please, you have the reason right there in your post.

He said he didn't want to give mafia too much information, so, he said that he could only do it once, meanwhile he can do it everytime.

You questioned this, saying it doesn't make sense when it makes complete sense. You guys are reaching for anything you can grab, and missing the important stuff because you're all nervous.

Oh please! The guy flat out claims to be a cop, he's already a target. He has no reason to pretend his flavor cop power is one time only.

Who cares?

When I asked about your items, you said "well I guess it's no harm to spell it out".

That was unnecessary caution, there was completely no harm in the first lpace, yet you drew that out 10+ posts before we heard everything, and you don't understand a little caution on the part of the cop?

Mighty strange Trucks, mighty strange.

I totally would understand a little caution from the cop, like say... not roleclaiming when all you have is one innocent reading to save someone who can fend for himself.

Anyone who was actively reading the day can see his change in stance from day 1 to day 2.

He then actively defended me for a good amount of time.

You guys continued to press me, and then suddenly, started going after mario as a mafia teammate. He wasn't defending me by claiming, he was defending himself.

radishhead said:
Prof calm down- I sense a mad, angry tone in all of your posts at the moment, and I feel that it could affect your judgement if it continues

Haha, rad it's all good. This is just part of the game. They're all riled up so I'm just fueling the fire.

Now, my comment to spurge lolol that "shouting" was done with a big smile on my face. That dude is high-larious.

Ok, ok straight laced from here on out. I promise. giggle.

Didn't want you getting stressed- it's not good for your blood pressure :p

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

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spurgeonryan said:
I keep my vote. First time you have been that mad over a vote. Must be the right decision.

Ok, straight laced this time.

Spurge, explain to me why I would be mad over your vote. You're implying that I am mafia and so is mario. Is that correct?

radishhead said:
Didn't want you getting stressed- it's not good for your blood pressure :p

lol, this would've been an excellent doc claim!

Spurge back to you for a moment.
Dont get confused about me impling that you are nens teammate and thats why he didnt press you.
i was not saying that.
I was pointing out that nen doesnt follow through on hiz suspicions.
This is scummy because if youre town, he doesnt want to make an enemy of townies.
I do the same thing as magia. I only suspect mafia and defend town because im trying to rally people into trusting me and my scukmates can handle suspicion from one of their own.

Ok guys ok, calm down.

Anyway, spurge, that comment specifically really made me reevaluate and strengthen the idea that you are town. As a townie, all you really have is your own alignment as evidence. The fact that you were willing to follow my idea up until the point that you misunderstood the implication, is understandable. The fact that you were willing to negate the entire idea is a little unfortunate, because I would hope that despite thinking yourself accused, you'd still be willing to hear the idea. I'm never going to be able to finger all three mafia in one post (or however many), so moving forward, you need to look a bit more critically at posts and judge what points you find reasonable, and what points you don't, and go from there.
It's not absolutely essential that you completely understand this, but in the future this will be an important tool because sometimes a mafia will list a series of people, and one or two might be mafia, and it's important to be able to distinguish good arguments vs bad arguments.

FYI in case people don't know yet.
Mafia is a report free thread. You do not report any posts to a mod, period.
Tempers WILL flare in mafia, and people will be butthurt.

I've said a lot of things in the past that I've regretted as it made them hate the game. So I really sincerely apologize if I've offended anyone this game. It was about 6-7 games ago in which I stopped doing it, and I would like to keep it that way.
So again, I aplogize.

However, given that apology, I must unfortunately persist that my points all still remain.