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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Mario has specifically said that his next scan is Trucks and now trucks is leading you three to voting him.

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He also said that he would not be on until ten tonight.
Are you guys trying to rush this lynch>?

Ok people don't rush your vote.

What if mario is telling the truth?
TBH, I am on the fence with mario because I felt that if he is a mafia he is using his claim to make the Doc (item) commit a wrong choice but at the same time what if he is telling the truth then we just lost a power role.

Let's wait for him at least.

I didn't really add up the fact that Mario would be investigating trucks, and then trucks sets up a case against mario. Honestly, the timing of that is even more scummy to me than anything than either nen or mario have done.

Vote: Trucks

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theprof00 said:
Mario has specifically said that his next scan is Trucks and now trucks is leading you three to voting him.

He never said that. He did mention wanting me dead today a couple of time though but I'm not one to mount a case against someone out of revenge, SM128 outted himself pretty much on his own.

Signature goes here!

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Wait- did mario never actually say about scanning trucks? Did prof just trick me :s

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

radishhead said:
I didn't really add up the fact that Mario would be investigating trucks, and then trucks sets up a case against mario. Honestly, the timing of that is even more scummy to me than anything than either nen or mario have done.

Vote: Trucks

You shouldn't trust everything prof says, he's coming down with a severe case of tunnel vision.

Signature goes here!

RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
Radish, you still trust me? Vote nen.

I trust you prof, but I would rather go after trucks than nen. For the former we have a more substantial case.

No, with nen we have good evidence.

With trucks we have my item which could mean anything.

TruckOSaurus said:
radishhead said:
I didn't really add up the fact that Mario would be investigating trucks, and then trucks sets up a case against mario. Honestly, the timing of that is even more scummy to me than anything than either nen or mario have done.

Vote: Trucks

You shouldn't trust everything prof says, he's coming down with a severe case of tunnel vision.

Already starting with the discreditting while making sure to not call me mafia.

Look Radish, Mario defended all the talk about the name on the item by saying "you guys are missing the point. This isn't about who to lynch. He's basically given us a lead, a good lead"


This was before he claimed to be the cop.

spurgeonryan said:
Well Mario has been after trucks for a while. Nothing new. Also interesting how NoCtis, the player everyone has been saying is mafia this whole game just came out of his media create watch to tell us to not go crazy over this Mario thing.

You mean, the one person that you and serval other noobs have been going after all game? I don't consider that to be the majority of players. Get your notes together.