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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Was that directed at me spurge? My vote is on prof. I'd also go for a radish or mario lynch.

Around the Network
Lynchee L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
NoCtiS_NoX radish rol        
TruckOsaurus prof          
theprof00 spurge linkz  nen      
linkzmax mario          

RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes NoCtiS_NoX
NoCtiS_NoX votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes TruckOSaurus
radishhead unvotes
spurgeonryan unvotes
theprof00 votes TruckOSaurus
spurgeonryan votes xxain
spurgeonryan votes theprof00 and unvotes xxain
linkzmax votes radishhead
linkzmax votes theprof00 and unvotes radishhead
NoCtiS_NoX unvotes
radishhead votes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes noname2200 and unvotes NoCtiS_NoX
RolStoppable votes NoCtiS_NoX and unvotes noname2200
nen-suer votes votes theprof00
supermario128 votes linkzmax

Well its easter so I don't expect a lot going on^^

I thought that weekends were just as busy as weekdays normally - I'm sure things will be back to normal over next week though :)

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RolStoppable said:
Stefl1504 said:
Well its easter so I don't expect a lot going on^^

1) This thread was about to drop off of my Forum Buddy, so I needed to post something.

2) Last weekend was also incredibly slow, but that was also first Day when some people don't want to talk much at all. But still, I'd like to ask if it's normal in Mafia games that weekends are painfully slow?

Yeah, some games have that problem... the slowest round I was playing in was christmas round 2010

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RolStoppable said:
Stefl1504 said:

Yeah, some games have that problem... the slowest round I was playing in was christmas round 2010

Okay, I trust you, so I'll probably play another round after this one is over.

Btw, how long does a round of twelve players last? About a month? Somebody think of the players who get lynched/killed on the first Day!

Depends on quality of the town and scum/readyness to lynch of town. But a about 3 weeks sounds good

The last few days are normally pretty quick

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~~~~ Mario Kart 8 drove far past my expectations! Never again will I doubt the wheels of a Monster Franchise! :0 ~~~~

Heres a suggestiin spurge,
Show me a comvincing case thar im mafia and ill vote myself.
fail to do so and ill push for your lynch.
The real question is, do you consider me reasonable?
If so, all you have to do is make a reasonable case, or perhaps you know your accuasation doesnt hold water?

Wow. I was expecting a ton of posts to read after being absent for Saturday and Sunday. Didn't really miss anything since everyone was just complaining about / discussing the lack of posts.


Here is my list of people I expect to be mafia from LEAST likely to MOST likely. Everyone should make a similar list, even if you don't go into detail, a simple list of names should be fine. I just want to try and get the discussion going again.

: I suspected him very early on, but my suspicion on him was unwarranted. He is going after a lot of people and trying to get people talking.

Rol: Seems to be actively trying to get the discussion going. He's not afraid to change his votes all the time. I highly doubt he is mafia unless he has studied past threads and is deceiving us all.

radishhead: Hasn't done anything to make me too suspicious of him so far. Has missed some things early on, but I can't see him being mafia.

NoCtis: Reposting what I said earlier... His defense seemed "off" to me, but I don't know his play style enough to tell if that is normal for him or not. He seemed like he was trying to get himself lynched as a way to prove he wasn't mafia. Probably because he is town so he would have showed  up as such, but I guess mafia could also do this as long as the lynch doesn't actually happen. :P

Trucks: Hard for me to get a read on him, so he goes right in the middle. His voting style had me suspicious early on, but I'm not too sure right now.

spurgeonryan: I just don't like how he claimed he could protect people without any reason for the claim. This gives the mafia an easy target and leaves the town vulnerable if the cop comes forward. Although, he also claimed he wasn't the doctor which is a bit confusing; maybe we have a conventional doctor and a protecting item. Either way, this role claim was uncalled for and his defense for the claim was that he isn't the "best" player. I don't buy that. 

noname: Seems to be "playing it safe" and not bring attention to himself, in comparison to his other games.

nen: ^^Similar to noname^^

Linkzmax: I more or less explained my reasoning here.

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spurgeonryan said:
Funny that the top people I suspect are the people you do not Mario.
Even after theprof basically threatened to give me a revenge vote because I voted for him because I have a feeling?

That seems fine to you?

Could be because you are mafia.

No, but I expanded my reason for voting for Linkz:
1) Wouldn't claim he wasn't mafia early on. He eventually did, but did so in a rather odd style.
2) His change in play style. I am aware that he stated why he changed it, but it could also be because he isn't comfortable playing his usual way when he is mafia.
3) I have a feeling. :P


spurgeonryan said:
I will be back later with theprofs death stroke! You hear that theprof!

This post also rubs me the wrong way. Any reason in particular why you are 100% sure he is mafia, because I'm thinking the exact opposite.

Nintendo still doomed?
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Nintendo ID: Mako91                  3DS code: 4167-4543-6089