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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

NoCtiS_NoX said:
radishhead said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

Let me help you and you promised you are gonna read everything. >_>

To be fair to me, that definitely wasn't in the OP

But you said you read the thread??

Oh fair enough- I don't pay much attention to Stefl's posts, since he's the mod (no offence Stefl :p)

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RolStoppable said:
theprof00 said:
Sure sure btlut before that, tell ke why you unvoted him and then hammered with ten minutes left. Linkz vote was enough to put him away. Why did you seal the deal.
Note that i am definitely NOT blaming you gor his death in the slightest. I take full responsibility for that.
i want to know exactly why you hammered.
Oh, and i know why fyi. This is your chance to explain to me why i shouldnt vote you.

Theres one other person i need to question after you, then i can start my day.
You are not in nearly as much hot water as my other target, so im starting with you.

I unvoted moreno about 13 hours before time ran out, because I wanted to give both linkz and supermario a chance to post. moreno was at L-1 at this point, so if for example linkz posted first and chose to vote for moreno, the day would have been over without getting to hear from supermario. What really happened is that both came to post and linkz put moreno at L-1.

But right up until (almost) the end I wanted to give moreno a chance to prove his worth to the town, because I wasn't 100 % convinced that he is scum. I put a vote on you (which could have been anyone, really) as a sign of goodwill for moreno. If he came back to this thread to post and place a vote, he would not get lynched, unless I found it suspicious and hammered him. It looked like the other ten people wouldn't change their mind anymore.

I didn't want to wait until the very end, because he kept completely silent. I thought if he says nothing, then it's probably because he is mafia and sees no chance to survive anyway. I could also assume that at least three townies had voted for him (if it is nine townies and three mafia in this game) and I didn't want to make a mistake by having moreno not lynched and keeping a very suspicious person around for the next day, making myself suspicious in the process too (because I would get asked why I didn't hammer moreno). I had to undo my vote on you to not leave a door open for moreno. If I did nothing, moreno could have casted a last minute vote to survive. It would have made him very suspicious to be mafia, of course. But it also would have meant that the town wasted a day, because I wasn't consequent. So ten minutes before time was up, I could either unvote completely to have moreno lynched or vote for him to have him lynched.

That answer is satisfactory for me. Thank you for taking the time to write it out, though it is a little unnerving that you wrote so much....sounds like you feel really guilty about the lynch.

No worries.

Also, you said earlier "this has ended up being a disaster for town".

Again, no worries, it's really not a disaster. Perhaps had he had a major role...perhaps had he been a contributor...perhaps had he been both....perhaps had he received special information and taken it to the grave. None of those things happened, and trust me....those things WILL happen.

Instead, we're missing someone who was a big question mark, and NOW, we get to look back on the day and read what everyone said about moreno and ff. We get to see who was silent, who defended, who assaulted, who voted, the order, who cast suspicions, who they discussed with, who they agreed with.

I'm sure you can see already that yes, despite ff being a pretty obvious town (I thought so simply because of his play, not the 12th man theory), everyone we lynch and everyone that dies starts narrowing down the suspect list.

Yesterday, it was you vs 11 people (if you're town). Today it's you vs 9. You went from 25% chance to lynch a mafia, to 29%. Right now we have another one more mislynch possible, and then we could still no lynch, let mafia take out another town (reducing the suspect pool further), and then lynch. We have a good 3 days ahead of us at the very least. Not a disaster in the slightest. It's all part of the game. Town has never won without a mislynch.

Ok, onto my next part.
I have a drawing with three people in it.

I'm going to ask the person I find most suspicious first, in order to minimize any potential outing of roles.
Trucks what were you doing at FF's last night?

theprof00 said:
Ok, onto my next part.
I have a drawing with three people in it.

I'm going to ask the person I find most suspicious first, in order to minimize any potential outing of roles.
Trucks what were you doing at FF's last night?

Your drawing must be pretty blurry since last night I was in my bed sleeping like a baby.

Signature goes here!

RolStoppable said:
NoCtiS_NoX said:

1. Nervous? I am actually enjoying it.

2. You haven't played with moreno long enough. Maybe you can read the previous round he was also lynch day 1 and a vanilla as well. I also tried to prevent him to be lynch when people told it was useless vote and those 2 people ended up being a scum.

Define help? If you think I just brought it up for no reason then I can't help you. 

3. Ok, so why you are you suspecting me? Can you please anser it again?

1. You need to be more careful in your writing then. Using two question marks is usually an indication for emotion flowing into the words.

2. I don't know if I want to read through the previous round. Some of the people who played last time are playing this time as well, so they should have a good idea how hard you tried last time and if you have behaved differently this time.

Help is being active, not sitting on the sidelines and watching things happen.

3. I suspect you, because your "help" was just a gesture near the end of the first Day and what you said in your defense so far only strengthened the suspicion.

1. Oh, is that so, You think i am nervous because of that???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 

2. Maybe you should so you can tell if someone is manipultaing you or how the other players play if they have role so it will be easier you in the night.

3. Ok.  

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TruckOSaurus said:

Frankly, I don't remember moreno making a noteworthy impression in any game I've played but I really don't see how you can compare moreno's performance last game and this game and call them similar (well apart the fact he got lynched on Day One). Last game, he got in trouble because of him being an "extra" human character and saying contradictory statements so he was participating but he got his foot in his mouth. This game he got in trouble for what I'd describe as apathy, not participating, not defending himself, not giving a damn.

moreno's lynch was a long time in the making you could have stepped in earlier but you didn't.

But I was also suspecting him but then I realized there's some similarities in previous round. 

Let me help you because you still can't see the similarities haven't you?????

He doesn't give a damn anymore when he was about to be lynch. He didn't bother to defend himeslf, he gave up hence why think he is vanilla just like the previous round.. I didn't look at on the reason on why people voted for him because it's two different things but how he reacted to it. He acts like he don't care if he got lynch because he is just a vanilla. 

 (Ooops, I placed a lot of an extra ?s.)

TruckOSaurus said:
theprof00 said:
Ok, onto my next part.
I have a drawing with three people in it.

I'm going to ask the person I find most suspicious first, in order to minimize any potential outing of roles.
Trucks what were you doing at FF's last night?

Your drawing must be pretty blurry since last night I was in my bed sleeping like a baby.

Is that what your story is going to be?

I'll  take that as confirmation that you're not the killer, then.

Up next, spurge. I don't find you to be a suspect, but others do. Maybe I'm wrong in my assumptions, but one of the two is the killer.

What were you doing at FFs, spurge?

spurgeonryan said:
What were you doing last night theProf? If you do not mind me asking.

So What are you doing as well?

Rol what are you doing last night?????

I meant were. Lol!!
My 2 posts.