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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Sadly, one of our competitors has left the Arena! I guarantee you that our guards have taken care of that person, nobody defies the rules of the ARENA! Also we have taken care of the item the person might have had with him and will introduce a new competitor shortly!

As of now, frankenfran, no longer partakes in out little game, instead he will be replaced with RolStoppable.

Around the Network
Lynchee L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
theprof00 supermario

supermario128 linkz            
radishhead prof trucks

spurgeonryan final-fan            
RolStoppable noctis            
no lynch radish            
Timelimit T-3 T-2 T-1 BOOM!
votes radish  moreno    

Vote history:

theprof00 votes theprof00
noname2200 votes Stefl1504
TruckOSaurus votes theprof00
noname2200 votes theprof00 and unvotes Stefl1504
supermario128 votes theprof00
spurgeonryan votes RolStoppable
spurgeonryan unvotes
Final-Fan votes theprof00
noname220 unvotes
morenoingrato votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes supermario128 and unvotes theprof00
theprof00 unvotes
NoCtiS_NoX votes radishhead
theprof00 votes radishhead
TruckOSaurus votes radishhead and unvotes theprof00
morenoingrato unvotes
frankenfran votes theprof00
final-fan unvotes
radish votes limelimit
radish votes no lynch
final-fan votes spurgeonryan
NoCtiS_NoX pre-votes RolStoppable
morenoingrato votes timelimit
FrankenFran left the Arena never to be seen again.
RolStoppable joined the Arena on a quest for a huge monetary reward.
RolStoppable voted theprof00

Well, now that we have a new competitor and a lot of people fighting here in the Arena there should be a little more ACTION, no?

TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:

Screw quotes...

1. One it would be odd if Stefl made a table of 11 players, excluding FF after he had given him a role. And two there's no way he rerolled everyone after correcting the table. You guys go ahead and do whatever you want about FF, but I'm not going to suspect him anytime soon.

2. I put prof at L-1 momentarily, and had I not refreshed before posting, moreno could have voted without noname's unvote and it would have been a hammer instead. There was a 2 minute gap between their votes as has been mentioned.

Yay radish is going to follow a game of Mafia that he's playing in. I didn't mention this last round as to why radish wasn't targeted night one, but most scumteams aren't going to kill him because he's prone to rash hammering and/or not making good cases against mafia. That doesn't mean he should be lynched as a liability, but good townies need to recognize his shortfalls.

I suspect the better items are player bound for what it's worth. The non-player bound items certainly should be interesting though.

I'm back and quoting as a read, sorry if I bring back old stuff.

1. Just to be clear, you're basing your FF observations on the OP table in this thread and not the sign-up list? I didn't notice the OP changing but if that's so then you may be on to something.

2. Your sentence makes no sense. No matter how many times you refreshed your page, noname's unvote would always have taken place before moreno's vote unless your browser has the ability to alter the space-time continuum. I'm guessing, what you were trying to say is that if you hadn't refreshed your page AND if noname didn't unvote you could have hammered prof.

1. Yes It was the OP table that originally had FF omitted. At least I'm assuming it was FF because it was the 8th position that was merely blank.(As was the case in the last round Stefl hosted)

2. You're right. I merely meant that I refreshed my browser and saw the unvote. Perhaps moreno wouldn't have voted without having seen the unvote, but my intention was to vote even if the unvote hadn't occured. It was moreno's vote that I didn't see as we practically same-timed.

TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:
I'm worried you're going to realize I was sent 2 role PMs, duh

Is this statement a serious one?

No. It was a jab at noname for saying Stefl would have realized his mistake and redid roles. I had already received my role PM when I noticed there was a gap in the playerlist, and no 2nd PM was sent.(Because it would be pretty dumb to let everyone know of a second role that exists)

TruckOSaurus said:
Linkzmax said:

supermario128 said:

I'm going to guess the mafia to be Prof, Linkz, and Trucks.

Skimmed most of your post, maybe I'll read it tomorrow.

Just wanted to point out how awesome it would be if this was true.

Reading his post my reaction was: The town wouldn't stand a chance if that were the case ;-P

Precisely! FF was a great partner last round, but I can only imagine the fun I'd have with you guys as scummates

Around the Network
supermario128 said:
Linkzmax said:

Just wanted to point out how awesome it would be if this was true.

Interestingly enough, you didn't deny the fact that it could be true. You should have added "...if this was true, but it's not." or something similar. :P

Since you're the second one to ask, I'll give a response.

If anyone truly believes I'm scum, then my simple denial shouldn't sway them.

Stefl1504 said:
Lynchee L-6 L-5 L-4 L-3 L-2 L-1 Lynch
theprof00 supermario

supermario128 linkz            
radishhead prof trucks

spurgeonryan final-fan            
RolStoppable noctis            
no lynch radish            
Timelimit T-3 T-2 T-1 BOOM!
votes radish  moreno    

Vote history:

theprof00 votes theprof00
noname2200 votes Stefl1504
TruckOSaurus votes theprof00
noname2200 votes theprof00 and unvotes Stefl1504
supermario128 votes theprof00
spurgeonryan votes RolStoppable
spurgeonryan unvotes
Final-Fan votes theprof00
noname220 unvotes
morenoingrato votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes theprof00
Linkzmax votes supermario128 and unvotes theprof00
theprof00 unvotes
NoCtiS_NoX votes radishhead
theprof00 votes radishhead
TruckOSaurus votes radishhead and unvotes theprof00
morenoingrato unvotes
frankenfran votes theprof00
final-fan unvotes
radish votes limelimit
radish votes no lynch
final-fan votes spurgeonryan
NoCtiS_NoX pre-votes RolStoppable
morenoingrato votes timelimit
FrankenFran left the Arena never to be seen again.
RolStoppable joined the Arena on a quest for a huge monetary reward.
RolStoppable voted theprof00


just reposting, so that the new page(@50) has the votals

radishhead said:
Personally, I put a time limit request up because I believe that on the first day, nobody really wants to kill anyone since there isn't really evidence to go off- tomorrow when somebody is (presumably) killed, there will be information to go off, either from police reports or just looking at the interaction between different players and comparing it to the newly found information revealed regarding alignment

I always really want a lynch day one!

Why so scum radish?

Unvote: supermario128
Vote: radishhead

Lol! I thought my vote for Rol wouldn't count because I didn't unvote.


Vote: RAD