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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 39 - Resonance of Fate Arena

Clearly you guys have it all figured out. I shall leave it in your capable hands then.

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supermario128 said:
theprof00 said:

You didn't read properly. I said that linkz scanned innocent because there is some kind of scan changer, I'm guessing the glass.

That's why no lynching tonight doesn't make any sense, it's just going to get reversed. 

Radish already said he used his "glass" on Noctis on night two and three, so I don't see him messing up my scan at all. Of course, maybe Noname or Noctis did something over night, which is why I want to wait for them before I make my choice of who to vote for.

As for why Linkz wants to be lynched so badly, he just wants to scare us into thinking he is something that he's not. We are probably dead on with his godfather role, so he is trying to get in our heads.

That's what he's "claiming". What's with you? You're gunna take Radish's pathetic argument like that? That he held a useless item for three nights and STILL is not getting rid of it?

Oh and no Linkz isn't. Linkz wouldn't play so badly all game just to pull out a pathetic defense like this.

That was only half-sarcasm. prof at least shows promise.

For what it's worth I think you're reading too much into the flavor with regards to the gun. And your two team theory is possible, but there's a big lack of kills for two teams.(Every other night kill factions are stupid)

Linkzmax said:
For what it's worth I think you're reading too much into the flavor with regards to the gun. And your two team theory is possible, but there's a big lack of kills for two teams.(Every other night kill factions are stupid)

That's possible, but my theory on Radish really doesn't have much to do with it anyway. It's still possible that Noname could have targeted you and done nothing, and what simply happened is that the gun I found last night was just *picked up randomly* by the scum, or it was transferred over to the scum last night meaning night 2 was blocked, and no stun happened last night.

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That should say, "night 2 was doc'd"

furthermore, noname said he stunned linkz the night before, and rol said he was going to stun him last night.
Nen dropped the gun yesterday meaning that had linkz picked up the gun, shouldn't have been able to use it last night.

Rol dying was also a hint to us. Why target rol? Because if I'm correct, it's a hint that he was indeed doc prevented, and so tried to kill someone who might have been a sure thing. Time's running out for mr. mafia and not killing people is narrowing his chances.



Alright, as a favor to linkz, I will lynch him.

theprof00 said:

That's what he's "claiming". What's with you? You're gunna take Radish's pathetic argument like that? That he held a useless item for three nights and STILL is not getting rid of it?

Oh and no Linkz isn't. Linkz wouldn't play so badly all game just to pull out a pathetic defense like this.

No, his argument wasn't very compelling at all, but if he is telling the truth (And that's a big if) about who he targeted then there is no way that my scan on Linkz was messed with by him, but we still have to consider noname and noctis like I previously said. (If Linkz really is a Miller) Otherwise he is just an innocent townie with a mask or a godfather hiding behind his mask.If you are so adamant about not lynching Linkz today then I guess Radish is my second choice followed by Noctis. Although, I am still waiting to hear from a few people before actually voting. No need to rush things.

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Yes, there IS no need to rush. You and noname are the ones with votes out there.

I'd like to hear from everyone too and our townies aren't helping us out any by being constantly absent.

I've been saying all along that radish is a good lynch. If you don't go with me then I'd support that.

We need anyone that's ever held a useless item to speak up about the description when they held it.