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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False, I don't even know what that is.

The user below me is listening to something on iTunes right now.

Around the Network

True. What it is shall remain a mystery.

The user below me prefers the ocean over swimming pools

True, it's regulated and manageable, but being that I grew up in an island, I love the smell of the ocean, the sand, the setting. I don't like two things: Jellyfish, and I'm terrified of 'Dark Waters'. You just never know what's in there.

The user below me is feels that black holes are captivating

False have never seen one

The user below is afraid of Spiders

False. I used to be, but it went over with time.

The user below is claustrophobic.

Around the Network

False, I do alright in tight spaces.

The VGchartzgoer below me digs the show Breaking Bad.

I´am watching it and I´am already in the 4th season but The walking dead came in between

the user below like´s Electronic Arts


The member below me dislikes EA.

True, but they have a few IP's that I really like.

The user below has four tabs open.

False 5

The user below uses Firefox