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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

Flase I like beer tough

the user below drinks too much beer.

Edit: True I am a person a cocky one but a person

Around the Network

False, haven't had a cold one in a while. :(

The user below me drinks more beer in a weekend than he does the rest of the week?

True very true

Heinken is the favorite beer of the user below


The member below me drinks too much and feels bad guilty it.

False, I don't drink to much ( :( ), and I certainly wouldn't feel guilty about it.

The user below me has smoked a cigarette in his/her life?

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False, smoking is just stupid -period-

The member below me doesn't smoke because they know it hurts you incredibly.

So true

The user Below me doesn't like Friday .

Atto Suggests...:

Book - Malazan Book of the Fallen series 

Game - Metro Last Light

TV - Deadwood

Music - Forest Swords 

False I love fridays I hate Wedensdays

The user below doesn´t like bald girls

Before I can answer, bald... where? ;)

Millenium said:
Before I can answer, bald... where? ;)

Thats a good one :D 

on the head