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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

True, it's a great show (Although a little bit in decline)

The user below me likes the show "Angel"?

Around the Network

False if you mean this vampire crap

The user below doesn´t like vampires

False/True, they don't exsist so I have no opinion on the matter. ;)

The user below me likes the movie "Scary Movie"?

False, never seen it.

The member below me was part of the "Top Game Developer" "War". (It's done by the way, you are welcome.)

True, I mingled in and DESTROYED NINTENDO!

The user below me has no idea what we're talking about?

Around the Network

False, I know what that dumb war was about.

The member below me "doesn't give a shit" of what we're talking about just like Honey Badgers.

No sir, I'm not sure what that is so obviously I missed it :(

The guy below me stayed up till 5:30am last night?

False, I stayed up till later than that.

The user below me prefers beer over coca-cola?

False, I don't drink nor do I like Soda's.

The member below me drinks Soda too much.

True, but I prefer water over soda.
The person below me is a person

I regret making this my username, I made this name when I was 13 years old

Life could always get worse, you could be a mod for Neogaf