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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

Hot Dogs? True.

The member below me would like to learn Korean.

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The user below speaks Japanese

False, I'd like to, but I don't :(

The user below me speak German?

False, but would love to as well! Italian is the next language I'm pursuing, then maybe German.

The user below me speaks Russian?

False, I used to know like one whole sentence, but that language is damn hard!

The user below me likes Marks profile picture? (I find it funny as hell lol)

Around the Network


The user below has eaten ice cream today.

False, haven't had ice-cream for a few weeks now. :(

The user below me has eaten a pizza in the past 7 days?

Yes, 2.

The user below me loves Law & Order

False, I don't love it.

The member below me doesn't know how to speak Icelandian.

True, insane language spoken by vikings.

The user below me enjoys a good pie.