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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game


The user below will go to the cinema tomorrow

Around the Network

False. Anything good in Cinema's atm? O.o

The user below me doesn't like double standards?


The user below will buy SSX in near future

@Milenium not there is absolutely nothing worth the money in the cinemas right now


The member below me will buy the Wii U at launch or near launch.

False, won't buy it at all.

The being below me is gonna drink and play video games tonight.

Around the Network

False, I don't drink and it's too late for VG.

The member below me is excited for the new generation.

True, bring on next-gen!

The user below me has seen 'Armageddon'?

False, I've got something on.

The user below me wears pj's when sleeping?

Very, very true!

The member below me is wow'd by Pezus's smarts!

True, true!

The member below me hates sarcasm.