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Forums - General Discussion - The True or False game

False (I think), haven't had booze today :(

The user below me thinks Sean Bean is an awesome actor?

Around the Network

False, don't know him.

The member below me thinks Millenium needs to stop being so stupid with all these drugs and such.

False, don't know what "neds" means.

The member below me uses proper vocabulary.

@ Pezus: Weed is pretty fun my good chap.
@ NinPie: If you haven't at least seen 3 Sean Bean movies within the next 48 hours, you might get a arrow to the groin.

True, I often use 'proper vocabulary' :P

The user below me prefers Wine over Beer (sif)

False, I don't mind a good red with dinner, but overall I much prefer beer.

The user below me likes vodka best out of hard liquor (vodka, rum, gin, etc)

Around the Network

FALSE,I prefer whiskey.

Person below thinks ABBA is best pop band/group ever.

False: ABBA sucks (sorry)

The user below me thinks 'E. McGregor' is a good actor?

False, I don't know who that is.

The member below me isn't from the USA.

True, I'm not.

The user below me isn't afraid to wear light pink shirts.

@ NinPie: You're a disgrace, even for a 13 year old.

False,I would never wear those.

Person below watched Titanic 3D (and almost cried).