Just got back from MCM Expo in London. There was some pretty awesome MLP stuff there but unfortunately pictures are pretty much non-existent ^O^
One of the first things I found was a Rainbow Dash with a Rainbow Dash which was awesome.
Overall I found 2 Fluttershys, 2 Rainbow Dashs, a Twilight Sparkle (who was about 12 years old and adorable), a Applejack, one Pinkie Pie (although there was a lot of Pinkie Pie shirts), a Derpy and a Spike. (Sorry hat, no Rarity ;-; )
There was also quite a bit of merchandise though unfortunately there was no plushies so I am still without a Fluttershy plushie ;-;
I got a cool Twilight Sparkle phone charm really cheap though (I'll see if I can get a pic of it up later on)