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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Pokemon Thread! Pokemon X/Y Are Released! - New Poll!

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How Do You Like X/Y So Far?

I really enjoy it! 228 73.79%
It's good. 5 1.62%
Meh. 2 0.65%
Not as good as I thought. 2 0.65%
I really hate it! 1 0.32%

Pokémon Black & White - French Mewtwo WiFi Event

Following last month's WiFi event for English Language games, the official site has announced the distribution details for Mewtwo for France. With French games, to receive Mewtwo, you can get it off of WiFi from March 26th 2012. No end date has been set yet. As with the English language event, this Mewtwo comes with the special move of Electro Ball and has a King's Rock attached. The Event Database has been updated with this information. We'll provide details on the other European distributions as they come.


Around the Network
spurgeonryan said:
I am happy to see them promoting this game so well, still not sure what this game is going to be?

Are you talking about Pokemon Black and White? What do you mean?

spurgeonryan said:
The second one. Black 2 and white 2. Darn five word rule!

Are you talking about the event that I posted or just randomly saying that?

Wow! I love the ideas. Putting all of those things into a Pokemon for 3DS would for sure make a hit. I really like what PokePark looks like, it's very colorful and very Pokemon looking, Nintendo and Pokemon Co. needs to implement these graphics for the next game! Something like Ni No Kuni for the PS3 (graphics wise) would look absolutely amazing on the 3DS. Nintendo needs to be reading!

Technology publication Venture Beat contacted Nintendo to find out whether or not the Kyoto based company had any plans to release Pokémon + Nobunaga’s Ambition in the West. The Nintendo representative that Venture Beat spoke to said that no announcements have been made regarding a Western release for Pokemon + Nobunaga’s Ambition, but encouragingly they didn’t completely rule out it out either.

Around the Network

Pokémon Smash Announcement

During the preview for next week's Pokémon Smash episode, it was revealed that in the episode, there is to be an announcement. The contents of this announcement are not currently known but the wording states that this announcement is something completely new and obviously Pokémon related. We'll provide details as and when they come so keep checking back as we'll post whenever the information is announced.

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition - Follow-up coverage

Following on from our one week of Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition coverage, we're putting the finishing touches to various pages, and beginning to detail the small parts of the game where ever possible. If there's something you wish to know about the game or see as a section, make sure to let us know
Updated the Evolution page detailing the various evolution methods
Created a page listing all the Swarming Pokémon

Darn Double Post.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

BasilZero said:
They should make a pokemon stadium like game for the Wii that involves Black/White, especially since Black/White 2 is coming out soon.


Well the 4th Gen's one came out as a Wii Launch title.

Hoping 5th Gen's is a Wii U launch title.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

BasilZero said:
They should make a pokemon stadium like game for the Wii that involves Black/White, especially since Black/White 2 is coming out soon.

They should totally do that, but for the Wii U! XD