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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The Official Pokemon Thread! Pokemon X/Y Are Released! - New Poll!

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How Do You Like X/Y So Far?

I really enjoy it! 228 73.79%
It's good. 5 1.62%
Meh. 2 0.65%
Not as good as I thought. 2 0.65%
I really hate it! 1 0.32%

The horror stories of heatran in online battles.......sooooooooooooo many heatrans.

NNID: crazy_man

3DS FC: 3969 4633 0700 

 My Pokemon Trading Shop (Hidden Power Breeding)

Around the Network

I've not played my Pokemon Black in awhile! I need to start EV training the heck out of my Pokemon. I've not played Battle Subway a lot although I did like it while I played it. Online gets annoying because of spammers and cheaters, practically like Mario Kart! XD

Make sure to check out Serebii's coverage of P X N!

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition - Coverage Day 4

It's the fifth day and our coverage is gradually coming to a close, however we are still playing through Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition's special episode and getting all the information in order to compile it into pages. If there's anything you wish to see regarding this game, let us know on the forums and we'll try and get it up as soon as possible

First 16 minutes of P X N! Enjoy!

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition - Coverage Day 6

It's the fifth (sixth) day and our coverage is gradually coming to a close as all we are doing now is compiling everything into pages. If there's anything you wish to see regarding this game, let us know on the forums and we'll try and get it up as soon as possible
Another two Passwords have been revealed. First, the password for Beldum is カマ8メカセヂキ and the password for Sneasel is コレキ1カキテゾ


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Bunch of news! Look out for updates!
Pokémon Tretta Trademarked
With thanks to AAPF for the heads up, we have learned that another new trademark has been registered: Pokémon Tretta (ポケモン トレッタ) in both English and Japanese text. It's not currently known what this trademark is for, but logos were provided and the term Tretta is usually used for books, but we'll not know for sure. We'll provide information as to what the trademark is for as and when it comes.

spurgeonryan said:
So what does Pokemon Tretta mean?

It's not quite known yet but the common use for "Tretta" is for books.

Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition - Coverage Day 7

It's the fifth day and our coverage is gradually coming to a close as all we are doing now is compiling everything into pages. If there's anything you wish to see regarding this game, let us know on the forums and we'll try and get it up as soon as possible
Updated the Overworld Mechanics page detailing the level up of the various areas
Edit @ 13:47: Updated the Area Listings with details on the main battles there as well as the unique areas within
We'll bring more as the days progress so keep checking back


Pokémon + Nobunaga's Ambition - Coverage Day 8

It's the fifth day and our coverage is gradually coming to a close as all we are doing now is compiling everything into pages. If there's anything you wish to see regarding this game, let us know on the forums and we'll try and get it up as soon as possible
Updated the Standard Bushou listings with most of the Best Links
Edit @ 14:20: Created a page listing all the Items within the game
We'll bring more as the days progress so keep checking back.
