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Forums - Sales Discussion - 10 Week Countdown 2011 - End Results

woow new year soon !!

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fedfed said:
How Can I get number 1 on HD console when I am only buying Nintendo!

that was funny. I had no clue with regards to Xbox and Playstation 3.

I can understand your position :p

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

My website:

It seems 3DS is EMEAA was adjusted up 10k for last week. As a reminder I won't be adjusting these for the sake of these rankings, but I could show adjusted rankings now and then (at the end at least).

I'm curious how 3DS does in Japan this week as I predicted it to triple on a new colour and Super Mario.

whoa, charts are looking great for me this week. Too bad about that wii adjustment. Would've won this week easily.

I was going to use my table to make an estimate of who would win week 2, but I have no clue as to what 3DS is capable of in Japan.

I'll have a go anyway:
If 3DS Japan remains about the same as week 1... ethomaz should win (based on approx 245k, 278k and 350k for Wii/360/PS3) if it has an increase of 20k, it will probably be between postofficebuddy and pineapple, and an increase of 40k will see pineapple win. If it increases by 60k or more then it should be non-gravity's week.

Currently I reckon it will be between a 30 and 50k increase, so I expect pineapple wins.

Around the Network

Media create numbers:
3DS - 145.271
PSP - 27.952
PS3 - 26.966
WII - 11.725
NDS- 3.131
360 - 1.699
PS2 - 1.457

Go buy Metroid OTHER M!

Wii code: 6775-1034-2238-1634

PSN: birdie93      XBL: luthor93

3DS: 3909-7597-9889

You can add me, I won't stop you!

My website:

Luthor said:
Media create numbers:
3DS - 145.271
PSP - 27.952
PS3 - 26.966
WII - 11.725
NDS- 3.131
360 - 1.699
PS2 - 1.457

Those 3ds numbers, i did not expect.

Luthor said:
Media create numbers:
3DS - 145.271

PSP - 27.952
PS3 - 26.966
WII - 11.725
NDS- 3.131
360 - 1.699
PS2 - 1.457

Holy cow.

Looks like non-gravity wins.

Man this thread has come along nicely. But man was my first week atrocious! I was very low on every console.

Wow and next week looks just as bad. It seems I'm a week behind with my numbers so far.