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Forums - General Discussion - Poll: Who Is The Meanest Mod On VGC


Who Is The Meanest Mod On VGC

ioi 0 0%
Machina 2 50.00%
sega4life 1 25.00%
axumblade 0 0%
twesterm 0 0%
zexen_lowe 1 25.00%
Torillian 0 0%
Kantor 0 0%

This Thread is here to talk about the Mods of VGC.

Before I start, I want to say, this is NOT a troll thread, I'm not looking to piss the Mods off nor am I trying to start a flame war here. I am however, Looking for the opinions of others

I know this is going to be a very contreversal topic. But I wanted to get the honest opinions of the daily users of VGC who may have been banned or warned for something they thought was unnecessary or not needed.

I have been keeping track on some of the user bans going on here and i must say that many of them are very questionable/debatable bans.

I Myself have been banned several times by one particular mod (I wont say his username) but a few of the bans i have had were very misleading/one sided bans.

With all this said. Who do you think is the meanist/unforgiving mod on VGC. Please try explaining your answer without being disrespectful/rude towards that particular mod. Woud really hate for this thread to get locked for something that really needs to be talked about..


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I Myself have been banned several times by one particular mod (I wont say his username) but a few of the bans i have had were very misleading/one sided bans.

Misleading one sided bans? no all of yours were 100% justified actually. I'm surprised you didn't get permabanned for your last one, should count yourself very lucky.

Edit @ Moreno, no, I didn't ask him to make an anti gay homophobic thread, not that his views are tolerated her, ironically you lot are in the vast minority almost extinct!

@ PS3 News, yes very lucky


Seece said:

I Myself have been banned several times by one particular mod (I wont say his username) but a few of the bans i have had were very misleading/one sided bans.

Misleading one sided bans? no all of yours were 100% justified actually. I'm surprised you didn't get permabanned for your last one, should count yourself very lucky.

Caused by you who made him have a psicotic outbreak.

OP: Anyway, I'll just say there is a mod that I don't like, no more details.

Seece said:

I Myself have been banned several times by one particular mod (I wont say his username) but a few of the bans i have had were very misleading/one sided bans.

Misleading one sided bans? no all of yours were 100% justified actually. I'm surprised you didn't get permabanned for your last one, should count yourself very lucky.

Very lucky??

Incase you havent realized yet Seece. I am a VERY outspoken person. While some of the bans i have had i did deserve, Many were misleading and were not true to the point i was trying to make.

You of all people should not have the right to say what was "justified" to anyone after looking at your background/history. Great thing your not a mod.  :)