Honestly this doesn't surprise me in the least considering the comments made at E3. Though I am a little pessimistic at what kind of software we can expect at launch of WiiU. I mean of the three first party titles confirmed Pikmin was apparently being developed by a very small team and the franchise hasn't proven capable of supporting a console at launch. SmashBros which most definitely would be able to support the launch of the WiiU hasn't even started development. I doubt LoZ will be released at launch since Zelda home console titles come every few years and Skyward Sword is coming this winter. A new home console Zelda game launching 2012 wouldn't make sense, considering the Zelda team has already strongly hinted LoZ:3DS is also in development. That is way too much for Nintendo EAD to get done in one year unless they have been working on LoZ:WiiU and LoZ:3DS for awhile now but that wouldn't make sense with LoZ:SS also in development. Eiji Aonuma talked about WiiU Zelda and talked as though the game wasn't in development deeply yet saying "I can definitely see something like the controller itself becoming the different items that Link is using, allowing you to interact with the game world and with the game items in a very different way.” instead of outright saying that this is how the game will play.
The fact that Nintendo didn't name any software for WiiU other then those three titles is disturbing. I'd expect them to say that Mario is headed to WiiU or name games that are in development. Remember TGS 2005 Iwata's unveiling of the Wiimote at that press conference Iwata listed off like half a dozen first party franchises that were in development for Wii.
If Nintendo was going to announce games that weren't even in development you'd think they would announce more then three. Of course I have no doubt that Nintendo has first party software under way, the question is what? Man Nintendo is good at keeping secrets of course I also have to realize that this last E3 Nintendo saw a lot of info leaked prior. In the past Nintendo would never have had so much info leaked prior to E3. I remember almost everything Nintendo would show at E3 would be a huge surprise. Nintendo was always so good at keeping secrets I wonder if all those leaks were intentional or if Nintendo has just lost its secret keeping capabilities!
"In God We Trust - In Games We Play " - Joel Reimer