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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - MEGATON! Monster Hunter 4 for 3DS!

Gotta say that looked really good. So Tri G and 4, this should really boost 3DS in Japan. However, i expect 4 to also be on Vita.(Did they announce exclusivity?)


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Great, now we have to stand the "it's gonna be better in Vita/ it is gonna be canned and will still be Vita exclusive" comments for another year

I think it will be timed exclusive for the 3DS and then after a year Capcom will release a HD version of the game for Wii U, Vista and PS4.

I don't see any problem here, first of all

Watch live. A truly Megaton.

I can see MH4 being exclusive for 3DS, as Tri was for Wii. Also, Nintendo push marketing in west, so maybe that is one of the reasons (along with a big bag of $$$). But I wouldn't mind if it is in other platforms, i.e. WiiU.

And finally, here is the PR announcement for MHTrii Wii:

Capcom Co., Ltd. (Capcom) is pleased to announce the development of a new edition in its mega-hit "Monster Hunter" series: "Monster Hunter 3 (tri-)" for the Nintendo Wii.

 The "Monster Hunter" franchise is a series of action games that puts the player in the boots of a fearless hunter tracking down and battling huge and ferocious monsters all while traversing breathtaking natural environments. To date, the series has shipped over 4.5 million copies worldwide (as of September 30, 2007). The "Monster Hunter Freedom" series for the PSP® (PlayStation® Portable) system (referred to below as the PSP® system) makes use of Network Play to build upon the gaming experience, which has boosted its popularity, especially in the student market, and has also helped to make it the first PSP® game to sell over a million copies in Japan. The series has also been the recipient of numerous awards with "Monster Hunter" for the PlayStation®2 receiving the Award of Excellence at the Eighth Annual CESA Game Awards and "Monster Hunter Freedom 2" receiving the Grand Award at the Japan Game Awards: 2007.

 Capcom has worked tirelessly on the latest title in the series, "Monster Hunter 3 (tri-)", to utilize the unique aspects of the Nintendo Wii, which will create a "Monster Hunter" game unlike any of its predecessors. The attractiveness of the Wii experience is sure not only to please existing fans of the series, but also attract newcomers to this unique adventure.

 As always, we at Capcom will continue to strive to develop new and original games that appeal to a broad audience around the world while expanding our properties for multiple platforms. We believe that by bringing the "Monster Hunter" series to multiple platforms, it will help the franchise reach an even greater number of users eager for its unique gameplay.

Something feels familiar...

BTW, neither of the 3 Nintendo Monster Hunter (MHTri, MHTriG, MH4) has in the PR the word "exclusive".

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I don't see how VITA is "dead", first of all MH3 IS NOT EXCLUSIVE if it were nintendo would make that very clear, second yes the Vita version is going to lose sales but will still remain with 70% like what happen with FFXIII in the West when it launched as a multiplat.

And who knows maybe Capcom will improve graphics and connectivity options (NEAR and 3G) and the launch could very well be multiplat since Vita is coming out in holydays in Japan (maybe even a bundle), which version would Japan choose? I think that since MH is the Pokemon of PSP people would choose Vita version.

If MH4 was indeed exclusive, you can be certain Nintendo would be shouting it from the rooftops..but it´s a blow to the Vita nonetheless, but far from burying it...on the contrary, you can expect a very heated and close fight between the two..the way it should be.

I've yet to try out the Monster Hunter franchise for myself, but this announcement is going to lead to some godlike drama.

How technical is your game?

The announcment really was surprising!
The MH3 adaption was already a huge deal for 3DS. Even if MH4 isn`t exclusive it will surely have an impact not just on gamers but on Sony aswell, since the series really drives hardware.

Wow now Nintendo have every card needed to win in Japan: Pokemon, Dragon Quest and now Monster Hunter. As far as Japan goes, I don't see any other games that can move hardware. This is a hard blow for Sony indeed.