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What do you think the future of this thread should be

Comparing Third Party Series 21 36.21%
Comparing Third Party Games 16 27.59%
Locked 20 34.48%
Jay520 said:
A_C_E said:
Umm this whole thing is all messed up. You have Halo Reach ahead of everyone else who beat them in votes? Is this golf? Halo Reach got out voted so why is it in the top 3? If Halo Reach got out voted by GT5 then how did it finish ahead of it? Everyone knows that Reach got heavily out-voted meaning that this list is useless. Honestly, what does this list represent? It's not the most votes because GT5 and others got higher votes yet finished lower on the list so how do you get high up in the list?

It's bad enough people don't think when speaking, we don't need people creating threads with absolutely no idea on how to properly contruct a useful list. /rant


I may have slightly over-exaggerated but I think the overall feeling is spot on.

your a nice supporter. Anyways I'll do my best not to be as messy next time in the future of H2H

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Aldro said:
Haha I voted MGS4, god lord. Kratos and GoW has some insane fanbase XD

I told you GOW would win didn't I after it crushed Uncharted 2


Wow it seems a lot closer now. It will be damn interesting if we can get a turn over. But God of War looks like VGC's exclusive of the gen with 22 more votes. But anything can happen

MGS4. Just a bit more variation and story then GoW3.

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Good lord, MGS4 is really closing the gap. This is pretty darn amusing.

I can't believe GoW3 is winning to be honest :D. MGS4, GoW3 and Uncharted 2 are all very close to me, but MGS4 was the game that ..uhm.. sent me to VGChartz and made me actually dig into the whole console stuff. Before I was just some guy who bought a game depending on how good the boxart was haha. MGS4 really changed my gaming life lol.

EDIT: Also with Uncharted 2 @96 Meta and MGS4 @94 meta, I really think GoW3 deserves more than 92 (Yeah I know its not that big of a deal but still xD.)

dsage01 said:
A_C_E said:
Umm this whole thing is all messed up. You have Halo Reach ahead of everyone else who beat them in votes? Is this golf? Halo Reach got out voted so why is it in the top 3? If Halo Reach got out voted by GT5 then how did it finish ahead of it? Everyone knows that Reach got heavily out-voted meaning that this list is useless. Honestly, what does this list represent? It's not the most votes because GT5 and others got higher votes yet finished lower on the list so how do you get high up in the list?

It's bad enough people don't think when speaking, we don't need people creating threads with absolutely no idea on how to properly contruct a useful list. /rant

I know I feel like a retard giving Reach two lives. I should have put it in 8th place where GT5 is. But if you want I can switch GT5's position with Halo Reach

Should totally do that. I didn't even get why Reach was back again, made no sense.

Aldro said:

I can't believe GoW3 is winning to be honest :D. MGS4, GoW3 and Uncharted 2 are all very close to me, but MGS4 was the game that ..uhm.. sent me to VGChartz and made me actually dig into the whole console stuff. Before I was just some guy who bought a game depending on how good the boxart was haha. MGS4 really changed my gaming life lol.

EDIT: Also with Uncharted 2 @96 Meta and MGS4 @94 meta, I really think GoW3 deserves more than 92 (Yeah I know its not that big of a deal but still xD.)

I agree it deserved a 94 or a 95. The only bad thing about the game for me is that there was no online play. And for crtics I guess the bad part was is that there were some unbalanced parts in the viusals. Other than that it was perfect

Okay I need at least 5 more people to answer this question in order for me to make an action. Should GT5 and Halo Reach's position be replaced because GT5 had beaten Halo Reach.
A simple yes or no would be nice.
So far:
Yes: 2
No: 0