rutea7 said:
i'm planning on leave VGC guys and i don't know how official it is but so is M.U.G.E.N? i was filling it more then a yr ago now, but its a hard choice to make. we may need someone to take over this thread or make another one. i'll sleep on it and think about it some more.
hey M.U.G.E.N if you view this then talk to
i think shes the best choice to take over the thread pluse shes hot so theres an aded bonus lol.
noooooooooooooooooo, dont leave you two!!!
and dont leave me with that responsability, geez. this is a big thread and it's still months away from the console release, imagine when it gets bigger!!!!
come on, two active sony fans cant leave!
i slept on it and have come to realize i can't leave. as hard as me and darth fought to get jnul back after she left last yr, and the other people i've tried to keep here that have tried or thought about leaving. i couldn't possibly leave. it would be ass backwards.
rutea i choose you for this because this gives you a chance to make your presence felt. your one of our most liked newcomers and its not because you're a girl? its because you are a great person.
there are members in this thread that can take it, but they've already made there impact, and most of our sony members are not as active as they use to be for many reasons.
i trust you and believe in your potential to do this. the only other people i would ask are jnul who works so likely wouldn't have the time, and CGIQ who is deep into his college studies.
M.U.G.E.N. already asked me to do it and i turned him down. if he does leave he knows he'll be missed. if there are any other members that want the job then let M.U.G.E.N. know.
we've done this with M.U.G.E.N and for a brief time without him so lets keep it going.