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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%

Merry Cristmas my brothers in kat!

Yesterday I switched back to my US account so i can take chance of Dokuro's offers that was until Yesterday before the Store updated... and I have to say, tha little I have played, is a GREAt game and very funny.. and it looks so GREAT... that's what when I entered VGChartz this morning I found thsi:

the ebst Art Direction Award.. and Dokuro isn't one of the nominees... Why?!

On others thougs.. I bought Hot Shot Golf yesterday, but will download it later... I'm gonna take chance of Jounrney and may be MGS HD.. anyone here know which MGS HD titled is listed for PS3 on disccount? Because when I read the Store Update it said "MGS HD Collection for PS3 on 17.14.. and MGS3 HD for PS3 again on 7.35... but on vita Store MGS HD is at 17.14.. Anyone knows and can confirm that is MGS3 for PS3 the one disccounted and not Peace Walker?


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Teflon02 said:
The Metal Gear Solid Collection is that Price on Vita.
The Ys IV situation. To clearify it completely, its no remake, remaster reimagining etc. All the other Ys IV titles (two of them) are not the real Ys titles technically. The team behind the other Ys titles had nothing to do with those titles and they were not the intended titles to be Ys IV, I believe a situation came up where the devs didn't get to do it themselves. Now with the PS Vita the true Ys devs created the true Ys IV title that was suppose to be made long time ago, and its a PS Vita exclusive with the new upgraded battle system from Ys Seven on PSP. Ys IV for Vita can be looked at as Ys Eight if you really wanted since it is a brand new title

Yeah that's What I read on the Wiki.. that's really great and I wanted all to know that... even I though it was a port more... so it seems like the minors developers in japan like a lot PSvita.. NiS, Falcom, Atlus, seems to want to make more games next year on it.. So I'm not worried about jRPG source for the vita.. but if it don't sell beter on US and EU markets that would make difficult to Zsedd, NISA and others publisher give us those games.. -.-


BTW: Famitsu is out but I haven't seen any news about MGS that was announced some days ago...


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

i know i've been out the loop for a yr. now so i'm not sure if this has been shown. either way a reminder never hurt noone happy holidays and merry xmas.




Scisca said:
" working hard to ensure that Killzone: Mercenary will be the ultimate handheld first-person shooter experience when it launches for PlayStation Vita in 2013. "

And I'm expecting nothing less! Hope this will be the real sh!t worth playing online for years to come!

other then unit16 this is our best shot at a quality shooter on the Vita. KZ3 was average, so i'm hoping for something better then KZ2 which was the best so far

SunofKratos said:
Whats coconutDodge?

PS: has Shining arc for Vita listen. Upcoming anouncement?

A Minis game that released 2 years. Really addictive!

Gameplay from the minis version:

So this new version will have better graphics and PSN integration(trophies and online leaderboards) Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

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I've bought Unit 13 at that price. The demo wasn't great but people seem to think it is good.


i know i've been out the loop for a yr. now so i'm not sure if this has been shown. either way a reminder never hurt noone happy holidays and merry xmas.


Dokuro is a great Game, it released some months ago at 20$ on PSN Store Only... and this last week (until yesterday morning) was in offer at 9.99$!! I take chance and bought it... until now I'm loving it...^^


DoYou Want DOZENS OF NO GAEMZ?! then... Visit the Official PlayStation Vita Tread

DemoniOtaku said:

i know i've been out the loop for a yr. now so i'm not sure if this has been shown. either way a reminder never hurt noone happy holidays and merry xmas.


Dokuro is a great Game, it released some months ago at 20$ on PSN Store Only... and this last week (until yesterday morning) was in offer at 9.99$!! I take chance and bought it... until now I'm loving it...^^

yea i relised i'd say it here before after i'd posted it lol. glad ur enjoying it.

Merry Christmas everyone :)

Been playing WipEout 2048 all day, really loving it. Slick menus, killer soundtrack and that fantastic WipEout gameplay that Studio Liverpool were so good at. Heartbreaking that this is their last game, but still, onwards and upwards I guess!

Gonna crack open New Little King's Story tomorrow I think :)

SunofKratos said:
Whats coconutDodge?

PS: has Shining arc for Vita listen. Upcoming anouncement?

Link?  I can't find it for Vita on there.