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Forums - Sony Discussion - Official Playstation Vita Thread! The Last Stand - Ys VIII, Mary Skelter, Yomawari Midnight Shadows, Persona 3&5 Dancing, Atelier Lidy & Soeur, DanganRonpa V3, Demon Gaze II & MORE!


How many vita games do you have in your library?

0-10 184 31.51%
11-20 109 18.66%
21-30 69 11.82%
30+ 215 36.82%
Tridrakious said:
Resistance: Burning Skies was terrible. Horrendous control, sluggish, gimmicky touch controls that just got in the way, graphically pathetic, terrible hit detection, dreadful story, the characters were tacked together and I couldn't get the multiplayer to work.

When I first started I didn't know why people were bashing it so much, I thought it was good. Not great, but good, then I played for about 3 to 4 hours and just couldn't torture myself any longer. As the game was not going to get better.

Well, I guess I just have low standards.  The only problem I had witht the controls was that I'd accidentally touch the screen with my right thumb and end up using the axe.  I thought the graphics were pretty good and the hit detection, too.  Haven't tried multi-player yet.  I'm on chapter 4.

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d21lewis said:
Tridrakious said:
Resistance: Burning Skies was terrible. Horrendous control, sluggish, gimmicky touch controls that just got in the way, graphically pathetic, terrible hit detection, dreadful story, the characters were tacked together and I couldn't get the multiplayer to work.

When I first started I didn't know why people were bashing it so much, I thought it was good. Not great, but good, then I played for about 3 to 4 hours and just couldn't torture myself any longer. As the game was not going to get better.

Well, I guess I just have low standards.  The only problem I had witht the controls was that I'd accidentally touch the screen with my right thumb and end up using the axe.  I thought the graphics were pretty good and the hit detection, too.  Haven't tried multi-player yet.  I'm on chapter 4.

Hey, if you enjoyed it, then that is awesome. I just had a terrible time with it. I was just voicing my distaste of the game.

I mopped up several Trophies in the game, but I couldn't even enjoy doing that. I hope Call of Duty: Black Ops: Declassified is better, but my faith in this developer is shot (no pun intended)

I think in the case of resistance. Its very basic and no thrills yet its being directly compared to the cream of fps games on ps360/PC. Compared with most Wii fps games (such as the conduit and medal of honor games) it holds up incredibly well.

As for the LBP score, bring it on! Think I'm gonna be grabbing that day 1 next Friday. Just been waiting for some reviews first.

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

So, I stumbled on some extra $$ and got a $50 PSN card. What should I do? Should I

1. Buy Disgaea 3
2. Buy a bunch of psone games
3. buy a bunch of psp games
4. just wait for little big planet
5. just wait for assassins creed
6. just wait for a sale? (which is doubtful as SCEA sucks balls so much that they should all be fired)

ils411 said:
So, I stumbled on some extra $$ and got a $50 PSN card. What should I do? Should I

1. Buy Disgaea 3
2. Buy a bunch of psone games
3. buy a bunch of psp games
4. just wait for little big planet
5. just wait for assassins creed
6. just wait for a sale? (which is doubtful as SCEA sucks balls so much that they should all be fired)

chose D all of the above


But really depends if you want to play new gamez now or wait later. So your not going to get Persona 4, are you D:<


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

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SnakeDrake said:
ils411 said:
So, I stumbled on some extra $$ and got a $50 PSN card. What should I do? Should I

1. Buy Disgaea 3
2. Buy a bunch of psone games
3. buy a bunch of psp games
4. just wait for little big planet
5. just wait for assassins creed
6. just wait for a sale? (which is doubtful as SCEA sucks balls so much that they should all be fired)

chose D all of the above


But really depends if you want to play new gamez now or wait later. So your not going to get Persona 4, are you D:<

Oh, I will. Persona 4 is a must buy for me and I've got a separate savings fund for it. As for now, its either ACL, LBP, Disgaea or a bunch of psp/psone games. Actually, scratch psone games from the list. I just had a look see of the games available and they all suck balls..well, not really, but there isnt muhc of anything that I'm interested in. Except for tekken 2 maybe, thought I'd rather get tekken 3 but sadly isnt even available for the ps3/psp.

There are so many awesome psone games that hey could have updated but nooooooo.. SCEA chose to update with really ugly and crapy games. the reviews back then said most sucks, just imagine how the reviews will be now as expectations and standards have gone up.

On a side note, I really should get back to my persona 3 game. Its been side lined for the past few weeks due to ragnarok odyssey. I'm at the last part and just have to wait out a few weeks for the last and final encounter. Been trying to level up everyone to level 80+ but damn, its hard having to balance leveling and not geting sick :P

Looks like MUD – FIM Motocross World Championship will be released today on the psn store update aswell.(1month before retail) Official Playstation Vita Thread! Come in and join!!!

ils411 said:
SnakeDrake said:
ils411 said:
So, I stumbled on some extra $$ and got a $50 PSN card. What should I do? Should I

1. Buy Disgaea 3
2. Buy a bunch of psone games
3. buy a bunch of psp games
4. just wait for little big planet
5. just wait for assassins creed
6. just wait for a sale? (which is doubtful as SCEA sucks balls so much that they should all be fired)

chose D all of the above


But really depends if you want to play new gamez now or wait later. So your not going to get Persona 4, are you D:<

Oh, I will. Persona 4 is a must buy for me and I've got a separate savings fund for it. As for now, its either ACL, LBP, Disgaea or a bunch of psp/psone games. Actually, scratch psone games from the list. I just had a look see of the games available and they all suck balls..well, not really, but there isnt muhc of anything that I'm interested in. Except for tekken 2 maybe, thought I'd rather get tekken 3 but sadly isnt even available for the ps3/psp.

There are so many awesome psone games that hey could have updated but nooooooo.. SCEA chose to update with really ugly and crapy games. the reviews back then said most sucks, just imagine how the reviews will be now as expectations and standards have gone up.

On a side note, I really should get back to my persona 3 game. Its been side lined for the past few weeks due to ragnarok odyssey. I'm at the last part and just have to wait out a few weeks for the last and final encounter. Been trying to level up everyone to level 80+ but damn, its hard having to balance leveling and not geting sick :P

Ok your getting Persona 4, :D cool 


Oh btw Final Fantasy 3 just got release in Japan any release dates for an english version


Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont

Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!!

Did you see the american preorder charts? Persona 4 got 60,000 preorders with some weeks to go. That's awesome. Think it could sell 100,000-130,000 what really is awesome.

But i wonder how LBP isn't even on the charts, which means it's standing below 30k preorders. Thats damn too low! so if these preorders are correct, it will struggle to sell 100k ww fw.

I really wonder why LBP sells so bad in general. This game deserves heavy marketing. Sony is too mature i think.

must-have-list for platforms i don't own yet:

WiiU: Donkey Kong

XBone: Dead Rising 3, Ryse

I think because the announcement of release date of the game was too close to the release of the game LBP2 got an release date 6 month before the game release and LBP Vita has the last week 25k preorder witch is more then the first week sale of LBP PSP in USA.

And i don't think lbp franchise sold not well the first game sold 5 millions this is not a bad number .

PS4 - over 100 millions let's say 120m
Xbox One - 70m
Wii U - 25m

Vita - 15m if it will not get Final Fantasy Kingdoms Heart and Monster Hunter 20m otherwise
3DS - 80m