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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Kotaku: Microsoft And Sony Targeting 2014 For New Consoles

Well if Epic had to run the Unreal engine 4 on 3x GTX 580's claiming that this is what the next-gen will look like, then it will be some time before they can put that technology in a $400 box.

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2014?  The 360s sales are already slowed way down right now.  even with price cuts, xbox will not be able to prolong the generation to 2014.  3 years from now?  That doesn't make any sense.  The 360 will have been on the market for 9 years at that point and no console has ever lasted that long without a successor. 


Most anticipated games of 2011:

Uncharted 3,Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword, Rocksmith

Modern Warfare 3, Super Mario 3D


Looks like Nintendo wins again! By the time the others enter, it would of probably already have  killer apps like Wii Sports, Wii Fit, etc :P


And by that time 3DS sales explode!



Fumanchu said:

Well if Epic had to run the Unreal engine 4 on 3x GTX 580's claiming that this is what the next-gen will look like, then it will be some time before they can put that technology in a $400 box.

I love the gears of war series  but

i blame epic thanks alot for your dumb unreal engine showing this prolly had something to due with the long timeframe for the real next gen systems cough not nintendo cough

badgenome said:

Sounds good to me. I'm really in no hurry to splash out for new hardware (except for dat NGP!).

My thoughts exactly.  ^^,

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Bull, no way they'll let Nintendo rule the field for two years

Vetteman94 said:
nightsurge said:

I still say late 2012 like Nintendo, or late 2013 at the absolute longest and most likely. They aren't going to give Nintendo 2 full years without any competition.

Maybe they dont believe this new Nintendo console is actually the start of the next Gen.  If the rumors are true that its on par/slightly better than the 360 and PS3 than I would agree with that as well.  They may feel that the PS3 and 360 is enough competition for the new Nintendo console.

They weren't competition for the Wii (Wii slaughtered them), why would they be competition for the next console?

Doobie_wop said:

So, the Wii is gonna be the Dreamcast? It's like a half breed stuck between generations, more powerful than the PS1, but less powerful than the PS2/Gamecube an Xbox. This isn't good news for Nintendo, they are probably better off waiting a little longer if this is all true, they don't need a Dreamcast situation of Third Party developers sticking to the old platforms, while the Wii continues to get less resources and time because it's the only console thats moved on.

2014 is longer than I'd originally hoped, I'd rather a 2013 release, an extra two years with my current consoles would be fine but I think I'd reach my limit if I had to wait until 2014.

Being less powerful didn't hurt the Wii

2014? 3 more years? I guess they don't want my money. If it's gonna take that long it will go to nvidia and I'll be buying multiplats on wii2.

kitler53 said:
KungKras said:

They're playing into Nintnedo's hands then.

which hand is that?  the one where nintendo shows up to the current generation 5 years late only to be left in the dust 2 years later?   ;)

Wii says hello