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Forums - Sales Discussion - How Steam Could Affect Portal Sales on PS3?


How Steam Could Affect Portal Sales on PS3?

Steam only does everyting 23 20.18%
PS3 vesion will outsell everything 64 56.14%
360 version will sell better 10 8.77%
Who cares? 17 14.91%

Today Valve released the official details of how will be the Steam service on PS3. And now I can see a little advantage of Portal 2 PS3 version over the Xbox 360 version.

So how much that advantage will affect the sales? Could PS3 version sell better?

And the fact the PS3 version include a copy of PC/MAC version? Could PC users choose the PS3 version over PC?

I think it can happen a little of both and maybe Portal 2 will be the first shooter on the PS3 to sell more than on the 360.

What do you think?

Portal 2 releases next week.

PS. The first portal was for me the closest a game has come to be PERFECT.



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People who have an ps3 or 360 will buy the PS3 verison, People who have an PC and PS3 will buy the PS3 verison 

Of Course That's Just My Opinion, I Could Be Wrong

Ill play on PC but buy the ps3 version, so I can say without a doubt that ps3 sales have gone up by one because of it. 

ǝןdɯıs ʇı dǝǝʞ oʇ ǝʞıן ı ʍouʞ noʎ 

Ask me about being an elitist jerk

Time for hype

leatherhat said:

Ill play on PC but buy the ps3 version, so I can say without a doubt that ps3 sales have gone up by one because of it. 

Same for me.  I was going to purchase the game for PC, but since the PS3 version gets a copy of the PC version, I might as well get that one.

I'll get the ps3 version if it is the same price as the pc version.

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mchaza said:

People who have an ps3 or 360 will buy the PS3 verison, People who have an PC and PS3 will buy the PS3 verison 

not true, I have every system, but i plan on getting it on the 360.  The reason?  because that is what my friends play, so if I want to take advantage of the co-op online, I'd have to get the 360 version.  Not that the steam support really adds anything all that great anyway.  Hooray, I can save on the cloud instead of to my hard drive because... that is different somehow...  Hooray, I can play with more strangers on the pc instead of the thousands of other strangers on the ps3 already...

judging by the pre order chartz its not really having an affect which is strange considering the amount of value you are getting with the PS3 version. but americans will be americans i guess lol

I haven't been keeping up with this, but does the PS3 version include a code so you can dl it on Steam? The only reason I think people wouldn't take advantage of that is simply because they don't know. A lot of my friends love portal, but they don't follow any kind of gaming news. Regardless of advertising, if I, or someone else, doesn't tell them about stuff, they would never know.

Ridiculous if the ps3 version gets outsold by the 360 version. Just ridiculous.

Can i buy it on ps3 then install it on steam, and then sell my ps3 copy but keep my copy on steam?