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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Why don't western 3rd party developers support Nintendosystems?

@resident_hazard  goddamn man your like a f***ing kindred spirit, i get that whole "this game actually sucks" thing too. I think people had or have way to much expectations for what the Wii would get.

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oniyide said:

@resident_hazard  goddamn man your like a f***ing kindred spirit, i get that whole "this game actually sucks" thing too. I think people had or have way to much expectations for what the Wii would get.

That is a lie. You're lying that all we did was buy the Wii and "expect" (you're not explicitly stating it, but it's very clear in the context of every time you mention it). We ALSO bought the games we were given in the first couple years. We DID our part, so we had good reason to expect more support.

You could argue that it isn't about fairness, but I'm arguing it's lousy business. It's not fair to them as well, as they are depriving themselves of the greater revenue and customers (which could even include those that bought Wii Fit, as it's a false dichotomy to assume if you bought that game you wouldn't touch a game like GTA).

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

@lordtheknight  what im I lying about??? And obviously if people are crying about not getting a "proper" Dead Space or RE or Soul Calibur then you DID have expectations, especially if you did your "part" and bought the games that were first made. So who is lying???  IF they want "deprive" themselves, hell who are we to stop them. Does it affect your gaming or how you sleep??? yes??? sucks to be you. Do something about it, and no complaining on a video game website to people who a. cant do crap about it or b. just dont care. As for WiiFit how do you know that the people who bought that WOULD buy GTA? you dont have any idea either. My ex, my ex b4 that and just about every female who bought the game that i know would not touch GTA with a ten foot pole, and guess what games they play now?? Nada. Dont know any males that bought it.

oniyide said:

@lordtheknight  what im I lying about??? And obviously if people are crying about not getting a "proper" Dead Space or RE or Soul Calibur then you DID have expectations, especially if you did your "part" and bought the games that were first made. So who is lying???  IF they want "deprive" themselves, hell who are we to stop them. Does it affect your gaming or how you sleep??? yes??? sucks to be you. Do something about it, and no complaining on a video game website to people who a. cant do crap about it or b. just dont care. As for WiiFit how do you know that the people who bought that WOULD buy GTA? you dont have any idea either. My ex, my ex b4 that and just about every female who bought the game that i know would not touch GTA with a ten foot pole, and guess what games they play now?? Nada. Dont know any males that bought it.

Read my comment again, and give a reply that doesn't assume I'm denying having any expectations at all. You obviously didn't get the point of my post.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

They don't like Nintendo platforms because they don't fit into their multiplatform development investments that were made before Nintendo was even kind enough to let them know anything about their lower powered console.  

They even sometimes tried on the DS(GTA, CoD, and quite a few major 3rd party franchises got an iteration) They didn't achieve substanstial enough success for the investment versus more cheaper investments using the tools they had already chosen to work with.  If the Best selling videogame hardware of all times can't support them why on earth should they believe the Wii would be any better?

The Nintendo console has fewer gamers interested in the type of games they make