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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Vanquish still punches me in the FACE!


Excellent video! I agree with that chicken and his excellent taste.


It will be cheap before too long, I'm sure. Then you will have to try it! It is great.


Let me know how much it punches you in the face! If at any time you are not satisfied with the level of face-punching let me know and I will give you hella tips.


Dang. Okay fine I'll go back and beat it either tonight or tomorrow.


I've played little Super Meat Boy but this game seems harder. People who have played and completed both tell me that CHallenge 6 alone is harder than every single achievement in Super Meat Boy put together.

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Khuutra said:

Have you beaten the game on God Hard? I remember using chapter select to check what the final boss was like on that mode and I got killed pretty fast, lol

Last time I checked there were only 97 players in the leaderboards for God Hard (on PSN, no idea about XBL) and many of them had negative scores xD

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

Jdevil3 said:
Khuutra said:

Have you beaten the game on God Hard? I remember using chapter select to check what the final boss was like on that mode and I got killed pretty fast, lol

Last time I checked there were only 97 players in the leaderboards for God Hard (on PSN, no idea about XBL) and many of them had negative scores xD

No, I haven't. I think I've only beaten one chapter on God Hard, and that's 4-4 - the one where you first run into the Crystal Viper. I told myself I'd go after God Hard after maxing out my achievements.

I am in the top 50 on XBL for that chapter, though. Wooooo sorta

Khuutra said:
Jdevil3 said:
Khuutra said:

Have you beaten the game on God Hard? I remember using chapter select to check what the final boss was like on that mode and I got killed pretty fast, lol

Last time I checked there were only 97 players in the leaderboards for God Hard (on PSN, no idea about XBL) and many of them had negative scores xD

No, I haven't. I think I've only beaten one chapter on God Hard, and that's 4-4 - the one where you first run into the Crystal Viper. I told myself I'd go after God Hard after maxing out my achievements.

I am in the top 50 on XBL for that chapter, though. Wooooo sorta

Oh, I see :P Congrats ^_^. I didn't really check if I made it into the leaderboards for the chapters I cleared on God Hard... I should check it next time I play the game. (Who knows when that will happen :P)

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

i finished the game one week ago, first two mission were hard as hell to master, but then i didnt die a lot more... still an excelent game!

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I'll never forget killing 2 Argus at the same time. It was completely insane! Creating strategies for killing them was amazing.

But i don't thing i can beat 2 Argus on god hard =/


God, maybe I'm just not good enough to beat Challenge 6.

I went and beat 1-8 (the first fight with bogey) on Hard just to cool off.

Man F bogey.

Khuutra said:

God, maybe I'm just not good enough to beat Challenge 6.

I went and beat 1-8 (the first fight with bogey) on Hard just to cool off.

Man F bogey.

Which wave of the challenge do you have problems with?

A banner stolen from some site xD

Release Final Fantasy Versus XIII nowwwwwwwwww!!! lol :P

I plan on getting the game very soon.

Rockstar: Announce Bully 2 already and make gamers proud!

Kojima: Come out with Project S already!

Jdevil3 said:
Khuutra said:

God, maybe I'm just not good enough to beat Challenge 6.

I went and beat 1-8 (the first fight with bogey) on Hard just to cool off.

Man F bogey.

Which wave of the challenge do you have problems with?

Well 5, naturally.

Son of a bitch dodges my rockets a lot. Thinking of laying off those altogether and just unloading with the homing laser.