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LordTheNightKnight said:

MrPickles said:
Alas, it was only a 5-year contract, which has now expired.

OT: they should keep RE5 on the HD consoles--survival horror games need cutting-edge graphics to stay immersive and scary,

That's not true. It's that certain kinds of art direction need a certain level of processing power, but it has not been established that RE5 will be like that. And some survival horror games can still work on the 5th gen. Play Dementium the Ward.

so a ported version would likely not have the proper effort put into it.

Now, a sidestory built from the ground up for Wii, that would be perfect. Upgraded RE4 engine showcasing the continued adventures of Leon, anyone??


I actually do own Dementium, which is an amazing achievement on the DS.  Scared the hell out of me so much I can only play it in 10-minute intervals.  But Dementium and RE5 are completely different scenarios--on the one hand, you have a game that you hold right up to your face, and it is set so that you are constantly walking through linear hallways (or rooftops where you can't see other buildings).  Dementium also looks great--for a handheld game.  On the other hand, RE5 will have large locales, with highly intelligent enemies.  Would you want DS-calibre graphics on a tv screen?

I wouldn't.

(of course they wouldn't actually stoop that low, but you see what I am saying)


I think what I'm trying to say (at 2:45 in the morning :( ) is that if it were developed with the Wii in mind, it would play to the Wii's strengths, graphically (ie going for some type of art style instead of realism).  However, the RE series has always prided itself on jaw-droppingly realistic graphics, so it requires a console that can meet its' needs.  Survival Horror games that DO go the art style route (ie Fatal Frame, which is coming to Wii) are perfectly suited for Nintendo's console.

That said, I continue with my belief that they could make an awesome Wii sidestory with an upgraded RE4 engine, but it would be a companion piece to the 'real' game.


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MrPickles said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

MrPickles said:
Alas, it was only a 5-year contract, which has now expired.

OT: they should keep RE5 on the HD consoles--survival horror games need cutting-edge graphics to stay immersive and scary,

That's not true. It's that certain kinds of art direction need a certain level of processing power, but it has not been established that RE5 will be like that. And some survival horror games can still work on the 5th gen. Play Dementium the Ward.

so a ported version would likely not have the proper effort put into it.

Now, a sidestory built from the ground up for Wii, that would be perfect. Upgraded RE4 engine showcasing the continued adventures of Leon, anyone??


I actually do own Dementium, which is an amazing achievement on the DS. Scared the hell out of me so much I can only play it in 10-minute intervals. But Dementium and RE5 are completely different scenarios--on the one hand, you have a game that you hold right up to your face, and it is set so that you are constantly walking through linear hallways (or rooftops where you can't see other buildings). Dementium also looks great--for a handheld game. On the other hand, RE5 will have large locales, with highly intelligent enemies. Would you want DS-calibre graphics on a tv screen?

I wouldn't.

(of course they wouldn't actually stoop that low, but you see what I am saying)


I think what I'm trying to say (at 2:45 in the morning :( ) is that if it were developed with the Wii in mind, it would play to the Wii's strengths, graphically (ie going for some type of art style instead of realism). However, the RE series has always prided itself on jaw-droppingly realistic graphics, so it requires a console that can meet its' needs. Survival Horror games that DO go the art style route (ie Fatal Frame, which is coming to Wii) are perfectly suited for Nintendo's console.

That said, I continue with my belief that they could make an awesome Wii sidestory with an upgraded RE4 engine, but it would be a companion piece to the 'real' game.


Just because the level of detail is lower does NOT mean the Wii can't do realistic graphics. And again, you DON'T KNOW what the graphics in RE5 will be like, so don't pretend you know the Wii can't do it. Not until we ACTUALLY KNOW. 

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

LordTheNightKnight said:
MrPickles said:
LordTheNightKnight said:

MrPickles said:
Alas, it was only a 5-year contract, which has now expired.

OT: they should keep RE5 on the HD consoles--survival horror games need cutting-edge graphics to stay immersive and scary,

That's not true. It's that certain kinds of art direction need a certain level of processing power, but it has not been established that RE5 will be like that. And some survival horror games can still work on the 5th gen. Play Dementium the Ward.

so a ported version would likely not have the proper effort put into it.

Now, a sidestory built from the ground up for Wii, that would be perfect. Upgraded RE4 engine showcasing the continued adventures of Leon, anyone??


I actually do own Dementium, which is an amazing achievement on the DS. Scared the hell out of me so much I can only play it in 10-minute intervals. But Dementium and RE5 are completely different scenarios--on the one hand, you have a game that you hold right up to your face, and it is set so that you are constantly walking through linear hallways (or rooftops where you can't see other buildings). Dementium also looks great--for a handheld game. On the other hand, RE5 will have large locales, with highly intelligent enemies. Would you want DS-calibre graphics on a tv screen?

I wouldn't.

(of course they wouldn't actually stoop that low, but you see what I am saying)


I think what I'm trying to say (at 2:45 in the morning :( ) is that if it were developed with the Wii in mind, it would play to the Wii's strengths, graphically (ie going for some type of art style instead of realism). However, the RE series has always prided itself on jaw-droppingly realistic graphics, so it requires a console that can meet its' needs. Survival Horror games that DO go the art style route (ie Fatal Frame, which is coming to Wii) are perfectly suited for Nintendo's console.

That said, I continue with my belief that they could make an awesome Wii sidestory with an upgraded RE4 engine, but it would be a companion piece to the 'real' game.


Just because the level of detail is lower does NOT mean the Wii can't do realistic graphics. And again, you DON'T KNOW what the graphics in RE5 will be like, so don't pretend you know the Wii can't do it. Not until we ACTUALLY KNOW. 

Okay, I won't pretend.  Here's the trailer:

',width:'425',height:'355'" width="425" height="355" align="" />',width:'425',height:'355'" width="425" height="355" align="">"> name="wmode" value="transparent">" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355">


Now, I love the Wii (it's the best thing to happen to gaming in a long time) but there is no way it can handle those graphics.


EDIT: Can somebody please embed the video?  Haven't quite gotten the hang of that yet.

"Now, I love the Wii (it's the best thing to happen to gaming in a long time) but there is no way it can handle those graphics."

I did NOT claim the Wii could handle those graphics. I'm pointing out that the art direction does not look beyond what the Wii can do.

A flashy-first game is awesome when it comes out. A great-first game is awesome forever.

Plus, just for the hell of it: Kelly Brook at the 2008 BAFTAs

^how come i cant see the videos

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Who said the Wii had to perform on the level of the 360 and PS3 to get this game? Obviously it would get its own downgraded version.

Girl Gamer Elite said:
Who said the Wii had to perform on the level of the 360 and PS3 to get this game? Obviously it would get its own downgraded version.


if it gets a version it will only be downgraded in graphics but upgraded in controls

endurance said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
Who said the Wii had to perform on the level of the 360 and PS3 to get this game? Obviously it would get its own downgraded version.


if it gets a version it will only be downgraded in graphics but upgraded in controls

Exactly. Unfortunately HD graphics matter more to most than gameplay and it is unfortunate to see the Wii's success being such a surprise that it left most developers working on games for the other consoles before the chips were thrown down.

How about a new survival horror series exclusive to the Wii? Now that'd be awesome!

routsounmanman said:
How about a new survival horror series exclusive to the Wii? Now that'd be awesome!

with RE4 type controls that would rock