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and i just looked at the petition wow it passed 30500

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Yeah, the petition is a beast and with RE4 & REUC's phenomenal sales, there's little doubt Capcom knows where the money is.

On the other hand, developers this generation have responded to Sony's dethronement by seemingly doing everything they can not to support one console over another out of fear of an uncertain future. Furthermore developers like to show off their developing skills so naturally they want to make the prettiest games as possible despite the impracticality, console of choice or financial return leaving the Wii tale end this generation in that consideration. While Capcom has been a great developer of games, they're not that great at making proactive business decisions and seem to be run by a bunch of know-nothing motivational speakers who have their own backwards ideas of how to game support should be handled this generation.

Street Fighter 4 for the Wii is pretty much guaranteed now (developer says they want as many people as possible to play it, and are even considering DS and PS2 versions), so I'm slightly less optimistic about RE5. Capcom has been so smart lately that they still might do it, though.

This online pettition is as useless as the DMC4 one was back in the day

Soriku said:
Parokki said:
Street Fighter 4 for the Wii is pretty much guaranteed now (developer says they want as many people as possible to play it, and are even considering DS and PS2 versions), so I'm slightly less optimistic about RE5. Capcom has been so smart lately that they still might do it, though.

Surfer Girl says SF4 isn't coming to Wii, but a new SF will =/


 say hello to Street Fighter Legends, a brawler with your fav characters ala Soul Calibur legends

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Destroyer_of_knights said:
Soriku said:
Parokki said:
Street Fighter 4 for the Wii is pretty much guaranteed now (developer says they want as many people as possible to play it, and are even considering DS and PS2 versions), so I'm slightly less optimistic about RE5. Capcom has been so smart lately that they still might do it, though.

Surfer Girl says SF4 isn't coming to Wii, but a new SF will =/


 say hello to Street Fighter Legends, a brawler with your fav characters ala Soul Calibur legends

that would suck

Soriku said:
Parokki said:
Street Fighter 4 for the Wii is pretty much guaranteed now (developer says they want as many people as possible to play it, and are even considering DS and PS2 versions), so I'm slightly less optimistic about RE5. Capcom has been so smart lately that they still might do it, though.

Surfer Girl says SF4 isn't coming to Wii, but a new SF will =/


well she could be wrong,and i hope she is

The latest info on SF4 was that they hadn't even decided what the final platforms were going to be, and that the test version some reporter dude got to play was running on a PC. The Wii is IMHO the most likely of the three consoles to get the game right now.

I don't put much stock in surfer girl, but even if she is genuine, she might have old, or simply faulty information in this case.

Re5 isnt coming to wii

Instead wii will get some stupid onrails light gun shooter game

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



lol weezy.

To think this thread would nto exist if RE:UC was created like RE4 like it initially was ment to be. However they changes their minds and made it onrails.