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Forums - General Discussion - OMG !!!!!!! CATZ!!!!!!!



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wheres is twestern


mesoteto said:

omg that was great. I got an AKIRA shirt on right now. ROFL

I am WEEzY. You can suck my Nintendo loving BALLS!



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^i know i lol big time when i saw that


 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

^you straight to the bomb diggady


how have i never seen this thread? I LOVE CATS!!!

OK--its older..but i felt like bringing it back...i recomed going crazy with i post alot