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19. Mass Effect 1

One of the most engrossing RPGs ever... And another fine addition to Bioware's epic series of awesome. As I said at #20, I liked those goddamn Mako levels! Although I guess I'm the only one... :'(

Evil Sony (redundant) has been unsuccessful in stealing this from Microsoft. Try as they might, all that's being thrown the ps3s way is a f*cking comic! Unsurprisingly, the  playstation fanbot army is now hyping this comic as being better than the actual game... You know, 'the pure experience minus all that fat and grisle'. Har har, will they ever learn? (no.)

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18. Okami

The amount of fail here is almost as great as the ps3s launch price. But let us IGNore this instance and talk about the game! It was fantastic! But above all, I love it's art direction... Sometimes that can be the difference between a great game and a full blown jizzathon! I can assure you that I added a few additional watermarks to the cover by games end (if you know what I mean)

Fun fact: This was the last game to come from Capcom that wasn't an utter disappointment

17. Knights of the Old Republic 2

Alright, I haz question... After playing this game for a shitload of hours, the main character (us) boards a ship of this Darth Nihilus dude... My reaction: Who the fuck is Darth Nihilus? It was so strange... The villains were pretty much known w/additional back story, most of the characters seemed flushed out, and than all the sudden obsidian throws a curve ball. Srsly, it's so strange that even Howard Stern is confused!!!

Regardless of that total mindfuck, Kotor 2 remains Obsidian's best Bioware ripoff to date. Which is quite an accomplishment considering how many they've made...

16. Banjo Kozooi

Alright, so let me get this straight... You play as a guy who travels to different holiday themed dimensions, massacres a large portion of it's cute cartoony inhabitants, is shirtless no less, and in addition keeps a chick trapped inside his backpack? I think we might want to alert the authorities...

But seriously, this is pre-MS Rare we're talking about. They knew their stuff. And being the pros that they were, they succeeded in creating one of the greatest platforming games of all time! I hope Rare gets back into the groove and makes a new Banjo. It's not that I dislike the car banjo that was made, actually I liked it, it's that 3d platform banjo was just too awesome! Do want.

15. The Elder Scrolls 3: Marrowind

This is when Bethesda finally arrived my friends. One of the few games to actually have 'a world' I was blown away by what was created... A ridiculously deep RPG that shows World of Warcraft how it ought be done. I've spend countless hours with this masterpiece and you know what? I'm not ashamed. On the contrary, I'm proud! I've explored just about every nook and cranny of this world, know the lore backwards and forwards, and even did a little moon sugar here or there.

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Hurry up, patapon, others post their top 3 already.

My #3 and #2 are

Not only the awesome Steve Purcell covers are timeless, but everthing else which made these games famous as well.

Separately they are on 2 and 3 on my list, but together MI1&2 for me are the best game ever made.

14. Halo: Combat Evolved

It was a cold November night in the year of 2001 when my buddy gave me a ring to come play video games with him. He said he got this new game he had been anticipating. And also, it was on his shiny, new next gen system! How could I pass up such an event? (Fast forward 15-20 mins) I got to his place, we hung out for a bit and then divulged into the game he was hyping. It wasn't even opened yet. So... we opened it? The system was already hooked up, everything was set and the game began... so, what was the game?

Mad. Dash. Racing... WTF!?! The game fucking sucked!

So my buddy went back to the store and picked up Halo: Combat Evolved... Good choice. It was f*cking awesome! I played it at a time when it wasn't really known so I had no idea about the Flood. When my friend and I got to the Library, we sort of had a freakout moment with, "WTF IS GOING ON!!!" Halo was so good that I actually bought an Xbox, the game (obviously), AND xbox live. Halo 1 also marked the last time I was interested in online FPS muliplayers (and the only time!)

I know you have haters Halo but I still love you!

I'm tryin' Okr but I'm not fast enough!!!

13. Pixeljunk Monsters

OMG how I love the pixeljunk games... Pixeljunk Monsters is 13 on my list for many reasons. For starters, I'm not really a fan of the tower defense genre yet I absolutely adore Monsters. Why? Because unlike other Tower Defense games, PJM is pretty innovative and inventive. You don't just wait for waves of enemies to come... the player is constantly going from tower to tower dancing for them in order to upgrade, searching through trees to find coins, and looking for gems to upgrade and buy towers. In short, you're actually a character and there is NEVER down time. It's kind of similar to Plants vs. zombies in that respect. 

Also, the art direction and music are fantastic. And the amount of polish and content is unprecedented compared to other tower games. Pixeljunk Monsters also has like this super Mario bros overworld where you can unlock other areas and replay levels to get more shit to further unlock other areas! And there's also a bunch of challenges players can do to unlock ps3 trophies. (and yes, they are quite challenging)

I would  argue that Pixeljunk Monsters Delux on the psp is the best version because it has 2 person multiplayer, more towers, and a new world with a bunch of levels to play (plus it's only $10!). Fantastic game, will always hold it dear to my heart

12. Pixeljunk Eden

3 of 3. My pixeljunk stands straight up for this game! (what does that even mean?!) This is my second favorite 2-d platformer ever... Which means it's really really good!

Basically, you're this 'grimp' and you search vast gardens for spectra which transform the world. Just like the other pixeljunk games, it's wildly creative and damn unique. And just like the other games, there's an incredible artstlye, music, and just overall polish already on top of a great game. There's  also a fun online mode to top everything off!

It's odd, one would assume this is a chillout game like Flower from looking at screenshots... but it's actually pretty challenging. Almost deceptively challenging when trying to gather the ps3 trophies! Even though I'm a trophy whore, I like EASY trophies... why so srs pixeljunk eden?! :/