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Forums - General Discussion - Belief in God produces Hell on Earth

sapphi_snake said:
disolitude said:

Now why can't videogames deal with topics like this? That would be a story worth following and a cutscene I wouldn't skip...

It would be pretty hard to make a "fun" game with such a plot, and religious fanatic parents would go crazy (as they think games are toys).

They could hire patrick stewart to do voicework... It would easily be the funnest game hes done voice work since Oblivion.

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ok, so, i havent read a lot of what has been written because i have a baby crawling all over me, but one think i did read that i just wanted to comment on was the statement about Christian conservatives are  rumored  by liberals to be linked admiring Hitler...being a conservative christian and having a grandmother who survived the holocaust( being in dachu for 3 years), this really ticked me off and is so far from the truth...hitler was an atheist who believed in evolution and felt that cretin races where not fully "evolved". his actions where done to create a superior, fully evolved. it is the belief of evolution that leads to the disregard to human life and that is what leads to things such as genocide.
the reason for war is peoples sin, plane and simple...i dont have time to say anything more at the moment, but  maybe i will later...i miss coming on and speaking my mind and seeing what everyone is saying about things. the only person i get to talk to during the day is 10 months old, and he always agrees with me :D

1.  Fighting over land causes hell on earth, religion is simply an excuse.

2.  I can't take an article seriously that makes a blanket statement about rednecks that isn't correct.  Most rednecks aren't religious nuts and there is a wide variety of rednecks that can't be lumped together. 

Redneck-people with a glorious absence of sophistication. 

evolution_1ne said:

religion to me has gotten past the point of no return, It's still bullshit, but we can no longer try and disprove it because NOTHING can justify the countless lives lost through the centuries, now all we can do is just weep for humanity, I know I do......

kinda like every war after WWII


darthdevidem01 said:

What about the console wars?

Happens by fanboys who think a device manufacture by a corporation is a god.

Apparently, it takes the worship of something as a god, whether it be money or a being who created the universe, really to get people to do anything.  Well, that isn't quite true.  num, who keeps posting this stuff, is motivated by something other.  Speculation is that it is the desire to be an attention whore.  I can't fully confirm though.

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numonex said:

“Poverty, ignorance, hopelessness and bad governance have driven many Africans to religious insanity, absurdity and extremism. Africa is literally in a dark age. There is a proliferation of churches, mosques and worship centers. Blind faith, thoughtlessness and spiritual mumbo jumbo direct people’s lives.”

Please notify me when yourself, and your cabal of likeminded people have actually done anything to help humanity and make a difference.  Until then, you are just one of a number of people who think that their rants on a random forum on the Internet makes a bit of difference.  I would be see if a message of yours would actually go out and feed and clothe the homeless.

Religion(s) = islam?

not all religions are the same, most wars had been fought because of the islam, just saying..


"I will cast terror into the hearts of those who
disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads
and strike off every fingertip of them." 

(Qur'an 8:12)

Fight everyone in the way of Allah and
kill those who disbelieve in Allah." 
(Ibn Ishaq 992)

"Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
(Matthew 5:14)



Fedor Emelianenko - Greatest Fighter and most humble man to ever walk the earth:

How about trying to learn something from the gospels before blaming everything on religion. There were three groups who were responsible for Jesus being on the cross. Politicians , religious rulers and the people; all were involved both  Jews and Gentiles. Self-righteous people always think it someone else who is the problem.

mrs.nordlead said:
ok, so, i havent read a lot of what has been written because i have a baby crawling all over me, but one think i did read that i just wanted to comment on was the statement about Christian conservatives are  rumored  by liberals to be linked admiring Hitler...being a conservative christian and having a grandmother who survived the holocaust( being in dachu for 3 years), this really ticked me off and is so far from the truth...hitler was an atheist who believed in evolution and felt that cretin races where not fully "evolved". his actions where done to create a superior, fully evolved. it is the belief of evolution that leads to the disregard to human life and that is what leads to things such as genocide.
the reason for war is peoples sin, plane and simple...i dont have time to say anything more at the moment, but  maybe i will later...i miss coming on and speaking my mind and seeing what everyone is saying about things. the only person i get to talk to during the day is 10 months old, and he always agrees with me :D

lol, I'm sure you don't always agree.  What if the 10 month old wants to be held and you don't want to hold him/her?  There's a disagreement right there :)

VXIII said:

Through out history all of the wars have been fought because of people themselves, they could just use any excuse to do it .

The religion is just a mean to do it . well , I have a gun , when I put a bullet in someone's head you can blame the gun all you want , after all if there wasn't a gun no one would have been killed .

Imagin ... a world without weapons :D

Imagine all the people....! living life in peaaaaace yohooo

I live for the burn...and the sting of pleasure...
I live for the sword, the steel, and the gun...

- Wasteland - The Mission.