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Forums - Sales Discussion - I Believe PS3 Will Be #1 Selling Console In 2011 What Do You Believe In?

I think your avatar is nice... it's about all we agree on though...


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maximrace said:
XxXProphecyXxX said:
bonkers555 said:
XxXProphecyXxX said:
menx64 said:

 PS3 will be over wii/360 this year 2007/2008/2009/2010/ and now 2011... You have to admire their dedication--- ;)


Now, no I dont think it will happen, wii has DQX & Zelda (so far) as huge 2011 titles, it will be really close to the 360, but number 1, no I doubt it...


If we count all the consoles, are you saying ps3 will be over DS & 3DS?, That would be very bold...

it outsold the 360 2009 and ppl said "teh slim iz too late! ps3 3rd".

I agree about not being no1 its always DS on top.....

Last time I check the PS3 is still 3rd.

And last time I checked Ps3 slim cut the GAP to half when it was "little too late and wont have much effect" according  to ppl last year.......I see no reason why a price cut  with stellar line up wont do it again 2011  when it did SO WELL in 2009?.

You should stop bashing on the 360? We all understand u are so jalous of it but you don't need to show it that much ;). Ps had 2 good gens, be glad of it. You can't expect it to keep happening. Playstation won't be first this gen and probably not the next. Wii is the big winner here

LOL? maybe if you read a couple of post back I already said I disagree with the OP about PS3 being 1st......

And Im not bashing the 360 all I said is 2009 ps3 outsold 360 with pricecut and much better line up I dont see why it cant happen again..........

Ps3 can sell better idd. I'm just saying you can't be sure. So you say pricecut? Microsoft can drop the price even lower and you know that. The exclusive line up. So you say because there are no good games? I should say wait until saturday (VGA) and we shil have this discussion again. And I know it'll be different. You can quote on me, the line up will be great.

But what I find more important is that fanboys should stop bashing the other consoles... Wii isn't bad, neither the 360 or ps 3. It's just so stupid to say the other things suck just because you haven't got one. The world would be a better place^^:p

All 3 consoles will be price cut next year, I don't see this significantly improving PS3 sales personally.

Yeah, if all 3 the consoles have a price cut there isn't much change xp

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i think its possible but its too early to tell right now

PLAYSTATION®3 is the future.....NOW.......B_E_L_I_E_V_E

RolStoppable said:

Japan usually signals trends first and I don't see a reason why it shouldn't be the case now. The PS3 is already beating the Wii there, so it's not improbable that it will do the same worldwide next year. But it's not going to happen because the PS3 will be selling like crazy, rather because the Wii will be down by so much. Just like in Japan.

Oh you mean like how PSP is the best sold console or like 360 is the least sold?`If anything Japan is so far away from the trend thats possible. That said, Sony can be best sold next year (its gonna be tight between Sony and M$ for most sold homeconsole) 3DS is gonna pwn all though. And Wii will settle for 3rd place of homeconsoles.

Japan is and has been "Trending" towards the Handheld market.

And seriously, this is starting to get irritating.

2008 was supposed to be the year of the PS3

Then 2009

Then 2010.

Are you just going to keep throwing out years until you are correct?

My problem with a lot of the posts on VGCHARTZ goes like this.

1. People predict that PS3 will overtake 360 for (insert new hardware/software/year/leap year/astrological year/astrological month/). Thread grows large, majority agree.

2. New hardware/software/year/leap year/astrological year/ astrological month occurs. Nothing changes.

3. Silence for a small duration

4. Then it starts again.


dorbin2009 said:

Japan is and has been "Trending" towards the Handheld market.

And seriously, this is starting to get irritating.

2008 was supposed to be the year of the PS3

Then 2009

Then 2010.

Are you just going to keep throwing out years until you are correct?

My problem with a lot of the posts on VGCHARTZ goes like this.

1. People predict that PS3 will overtake 360 for (insert new hardware/software/year/leap year/astrological year/astrological month/). Thread grows large, majority agree.

2. New hardware/software/year/leap year/astrological year/ astrological month occurs. Nothing changes.

3. Silence for a small duration

4. Then it starts again.


Haha, nice one :p

I hope to believe  in so that they stop QQing and to be less sensitive about their godly console lol.