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Forums - Sony Discussion - New Killzone 3 Concept Art Showing New Characters and Environment

Yeah. I hope GG doesn't show to much of the game because I want it to be a big surprise when it hit the shelves! 

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GodOfWar_3ever said:
xKakashi209x said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
xKakashi209x said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
Scruff7 said:

The designers based the look of the Helghast on Nazis and Samuris, i think it's a pretty good, scary totalitarian design.

But I do kinda feel like we're supposed to feel some level of sympathy for the Halghast from the back story, they have been bullied by the ISA and Earth and forced to live on a desolate and dangerous planet while their paradise planet of Vekta was seized away from them.

Yeah, but a few things to consider here,

1. The ISA big shots are to blame...the average soldier isn't evil. So we don't have a choice.

2. Radec is evil. Fighting him on Elite difficulty was a motherfucker.

Indeed that was. I remember playing countless hours and dying so many times. Oh the horror.

The plat that I'm most proud of....KZ2.... hope KZ3 is difficult like it was.

Oh I have a feeling it will be even harder and I love the Radec fight even though it was painful to beat in hardcore lol.

Yeah...getting killed by the last rocket launcher dude in that 2nd checkpoint is something I'll never forget...such an awesome game...a game that didn't get the sales it deserved.

Totally agree with this, i gave up trying to get though the final stage on Elite. so painful, over and over again.

Atari 2600, Sega Mega Drive, Game Boy, Game Boy Advanced, N64, Playstation, Xbox, PSP Phat, PSP 3000, and PS3 60gb (upgraded to 320gb), NDS

Linux Ubuntu user

Favourite game: Killzone 3


gustave154 said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
xKakashi209x said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
xKakashi209x said:
GodOfWar_3ever said:
Scruff7 said:

The designers based the look of the Helghast on Nazis and Samuris, i think it's a pretty good, scary totalitarian design.

But I do kinda feel like we're supposed to feel some level of sympathy for the Halghast from the back story, they have been bullied by the ISA and Earth and forced to live on a desolate and dangerous planet while their paradise planet of Vekta was seized away from them.

Yeah, but a few things to consider here,

1. The ISA big shots are to blame...the average soldier isn't evil. So we don't have a choice.

2. Radec is evil. Fighting him on Elite difficulty was a motherfucker.

Indeed that was. I remember playing countless hours and dying so many times. Oh the horror.

The plat that I'm most proud of....KZ2.... hope KZ3 is difficult like it was.

Oh I have a feeling it will be even harder and I love the Radec fight even though it was painful to beat in hardcore lol.

Yeah...getting killed by the last rocket launcher dude in that 2nd checkpoint is something I'll never forget...such an awesome game...a game that didn't get the sales it deserved.

okay enough of the whining lol KIllzone 3 is gonna kick our butts even more LOL

at least we can get our butts kicked together since i think it has co-op right?? :DDD lol

I bet the guy in the first picture is who takes over for the absent Vasari

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The second guy reminds me of Joseph Goebbels.