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Forums - Sales Discussion - Pokemon: Could D/P bring it back!

The games look to be very good, and are both selling terms of themselves - and in terms of DS hardware. This is all Nintendo really cares about ;)

 Im curious to know where they take the franchise from here. I think its high tide, we get a REAL 3D, console version of Pokemon - and Im hoping it is coming to the Wii (probably in 2 years :P). They may develop/release a DS version to go side by side with it, which could be interesting (no reason why a 3D pokemon couldn't succeed on the DS).


PS - Im playing Pokemon Ranger at the moment (started yesterday), and I am really enjoying it. The scope and polish of the game is much better than I was expecting (in a lot of ways, it seems to rival a full Pokemon title). 

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shams said:

Im curious to know where they take the franchise from here. I think its high tide, we get a REAL 3D, console version of Pokemon - and Im hoping it is coming to the Wii (probably in 2 years :P). They may develop/release a DS version to go side by side with it, which could be interesting (no reason why a 3D pokemon couldn't succeed on the DS

 Honestly I think a 3D Pokemon title could be more then a dream very soon and I have good reason to believe so! Nintendo began building a new RPG studio in the early 2001 called Genious Sonority the new studio was put under the Pokemon Company branch of Nintendo!  The company has many very well experianced staff from some of the biggest names in RPG's EarthBound , Pokemon and Dragon Quest. The studio recruited numerous new rookies and began its first Project Pokemon Colleseum. Shortly after Collo was released they began developement on Pokemon: XD Gale Of Darkness. If you noticed in Collo all you could do was capture shadow Pokemon. You had to steal Pokemon from theives purify them and continue your mission slowly training a huge amount of loyal Pokemon. In the second game you could now set traps to encounter wild Pokemon the developers descided to try to make the game as close to what the handheld versions were in many cases borrowing from their solid gameplay. Now the studio is co-developing the new Dragon Quest game for the Nintendo Wii, all their staff is getting hands on experiance with Square-Enix the worlds leading RPG publisher/Developer. The new rookie staff are becoming very highly trained RPG developers. Upon the return to the Pokemon franchise Genius Sonority  could potentially begin the developement of a true 3D Pokemon title. So all these highly trained RPG developers and the second studio under The Pokemon Company belt. GameFreak and now Genius Sonority I smell a team. I bet anything Nintendo is training Genius Sonority to take the console side of the Pokemon liscense so that they can get AAA+ games on both handhelds and home consoles. Or maybe Genius Sonority is simply Nintendo's efforts to create a killer RPG studio to compete with those of third parties! Guess we'll have to wait and find out!


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