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Forums - General Discussion - Mafia Round 16 - Brawlsville

Well... okay I admit I don't have a real reason, but so far I am going to stick with my vote until someone more suspicious is out there...

You could lynch me... or anyone else.

I just think that the game is about lynching characters and I think someone should be lynched, I just choose him because there was already another vote for him and neither dsister and Truckosaurus were on my list of suspicious guys...

Around the Network

Mako  Mario still hasn't contacted his IP. He says he will call them today or tomorrow.

Edit: Forgot to say edit

Sorry for not posting but I had exams in the week and had a social weekend. In my defense the game took to long to start and started kind of suddenly . Anywayzz, I have read all the thread so I should be able to post properly at night.

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Words Of Wisdom said:

Vote Count  (Beta)

Falcon095: Stefl1504, supermario128, theRepublic (L-4)
No Lynch: Final-Fan, KingFate, dsister44, Vetteman94 (L-3)

Not Voting:  Falcon095, Nikells, SciFiBoy
SuperAdriank, trangentspree, TruckOSaurus

With 13 alive, it takes 7 to lynch.

Vote Spread (Beta)

dsister44:     TruckOSaurus > supermario128 > No Lynch
KingFate: No Lynch
supermario128: Falcon095
stefl1504:     Falcon095
TruckOSaurus:  dsister44 >
theRepublic:   Falcon095
Final-Fan:     dsister44 > > No Lynch
Vetteman94: No Lynch

I voted no lynch

SciFiBoy said:

I voted no lynch

Please put votes on a separate line.  It's really easy to miss them if you shove them in paragraph or in a sentence.

Around the Network

Well, this day seems to have come to a complete stop and the two people I could have voted for have either poped up (Falcon095) or been replaced (dtewi). So I'm gonna:

Vote: No Lynch

Signature goes here!

Falcon may have popped up but he's still yet to make a post relevant to what's happened since he was last here. And we still don't know if Mario is going to make it back to the game or not.

Until these two issues are resolved, I'll look very unfavourably upon anyone that tries to end this day.

Come on people one more vote! Screw Trangent!

Okay here it goes:

Change vote: No Lynch

Stefl1504 said:
Okay here it goes:

Change vote: No Lynch

You need to bold your votes 
