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Forums - Sales Discussion - Media Create Numbers : 11/12 - 11/18

Kasz216 said:
Diomedes1976 said:
Well ,maybe they are lower .Famitsu tends to overtrack a bit ,specially Nintendo products ,but there has been some weeks here and there when there have been great disparities in PS3 hardware between MC and Famitsu .Namely the release of Hot Shots Golf and this one .MC is usually more accurate ,it has tracking of 90% of stores and Famitsu about 80% for consoles after their own webpage so ...

In any case I havent seen the MC create numbers for hardware anywhere outside this post ,they are usually posted in friday .If those are legit maybe the number should be changed but usually it isnt changed at all when MC puts the PS3 some thousands above so ....

Stop talking BS.  Check MCs site.  They track 57% and state it directly on their website.

Rough translation direct from MC

"Data provided by the cover rate is about 57 percent, and a variety of business to cover."


Tag - "No trolling on my watch!"

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strange thing is that MC usually has PS3 higher than Famitsu, that's why diomedes likes them.

currently playing: Skyward Sword, Mario Sunshine, Xenoblade Chronicles X

johnsobas said:
strange thing is that MC usually has PS3 higher than Famitsu, that's why diomedes likes them.

That's because they had higher gamecube sales last generation.  Like I said MC tracks the losing consoles higher then Famitsu.

That's likely part of the reason why PS3 isn't as high as Famitsu. (Part anyway that's a big discrepensy.)

The PS3 is suddenly lower then Famitsu because it's selling a lot more consoles in the american equivlent of Wal-marts, Targest, 7-11s etc.

MC seems to have a bias towards specialty stores like your gamestops in America.

While Famitsu seems to have a bias towards places like Target.

If you are a heavy hardcore gamer.. most of those guys are going to get their stuff from specialty stores.  If your an average consumer you are more likely to buy stuff at average stores your going to be at anyway and decide to pick up the game while doing your own chores. 

To the "hardcore" gamer getting a game is it's own errand.  To a more casual gamer it's part of an errand.  Therefore the more mainstreatm your console gets the more likely Famitsu is going to overtrack, and MC undertrack (More successful).  The more hardcore and rigid your base... the more likely it is that Famitsu is going to undertrack and MC is going to overtrack.

Simply put, MC's formula either puts too much stock in how many consoles are sold in speciality stores vs more all purpose shops, Famitsu puts too much stock in how many consoles are sold in all purpose stores, or more likely a combination of the two.

I'd be nearly impossible however if they had 80 and 90 percent market coverage for them to be off this much... and by nearly impossible I mean they'd basically have to try on purpose... really really hard.  Since that only leaves you with 20% and 10% with to massage the numbers.

johnsobas said:
strange thing is that MC usually has PS3 higher than Famitsu, that's why diomedes likes them.

everyone likes somthing when it favores them

Sorry but this is MUCH more accurate than the

XBOX 360 200k EXTRA in Oct (for NA)

n if that wasn't changed why should this be

as Shams says

we are not COPYING data....

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

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when this numbers are true diomedes world is totaly destroyed.

didn't he always say that the media create numbers are usually higher for ps3 ?
how can he sleep this night ? :)

ioi - but please remember, some people (quite a few, actually) consider Media Create's 60% "more accurate". Atleast it seems that in public perception, they do.

Having said that, I'd say the discrepancy more than likely lies not in MC botching the numbers, or Famitsu over-tracking.

More than likely, Media Create numbers are an "adjustment". They do it quite often. Famitsu had constantly (according to some) under-tracked the PS3 vs. Media Create. Now for the first week in awhile, it's the opposite way around. This happens alot, as both companies will go over the other companies data, and see where corrections need to be made.

Having said that, IMO, the best way is to use a composite of all available information between the major sources in Japan - VGC, Famitsu, MC, Denkegi, Shinobi, ect. Merely because the median should be pretty reliable.

Am I the only one suprised the #'s came out so soon on Thursday?

Also, way to go X360 on an increase. You go girl *snaps fingers*

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Please I think ENOUGH Diomedes bashing

Supporter of

 SONY & Nintendo

 Consoles owned - SNES, N64, PS, GC, PS2, PSP, PS3

 I DO NOT support Xbox

My prediction for YEARS END:

WII - 18.3 Million

Xbox 360 - 15 Million

Playstation 3 - 8.5 Million

mrstickball said:
ioi - but please remember, some people (quite a few, actually) consider Media Create's 60% "more accurate". Atleast it seems that in public perception, they do.

Having said that, I'd say the discrepancy more than likely lies not in MC botching the numbers, or Famitsu over-tracking.

More than likely, Media Create numbers are an "adjustment". They do it quite often. Famitsu had constantly (according to some) under-tracked the PS3 vs. Media Create. Now for the first week in awhile, it's the opposite way around. This happens alot, as both companies will go over the other companies data, and see where corrections need to be made.

Having said that, IMO, the best way is to use a composite of all available information between the major sources in Japan - VGC, Famitsu, MC, Denkegi, Shinobi, ect. Merely because the median should be pretty reliable.

Am I the only one suprised the #'s came out so soon on Thursday?

Also, way to go X360 on an increase. You go girl *snaps fingers*

That's definitly the sensible way to do it.

For all of you americans in this post... Doesn't this remind you of the 2000 election with Bush and Gore and how everyone was saying that this one was elected, that one was elected, and so on?

Back on topic, I'd definetly believe famitsu over MC since Fam's and VGC's match up, it has to be right. Well, it doesn't have to but I believe it is right, since they are so close together.