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Forums - General Discussion - What religion are you in?

@Vengi said:
I'm really glad this hasn't turned into the type of "debate" that occurs on most internet forums, actual faith discussions only work well in an environment of mutual respect which is rarely found on the internet.
However it's very interesting to see such a diverse cross section of faiths and ideologies on this forum.


O_o    totally agree, you take the words from my mouth

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Sorry, Rath, it was you and I must've misread your post (reading quickly on an iPhone screen in the middle of a science lesson can lead to reading errors).

And, yeah, I know many strong athiests, but the majority of people that I know are weak athiests.

It's really quite odd. Because during my younger child years my parents used to teach me kind of Christian ideas and the entire idea of God, but they never believed in it themselves. They done it with my younger brothers (2 of them, for those interested) aswell. I think it was all about growing up with very pro-family views.

Although it kind of back fires when my youngest brother casts Christians in the same sort of category as those who still believe in father christmas and the easter bunny! (we set him straight on that don't worry).

SamuelRSmith said:

Although it kind of back fires when my youngest brother casts Christians in the same sort of category as those who still believe in father christmas and the easter bunny! (we set him straight on that don't worry).

What exactly is the difference between the two beliefs except one is taught as the sacred truth which we may not question?

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Game_boy the difference is that people swear by their lives with Christianity, and not father christmas.

At the age of which he is, he, and his friends start mocking people who still believe in father christmas. If he starts mocking Christians it can land him in a lot of trouble.

You know how much noise Christians can make ;)

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SamuelRSmith said:
Game_boy the difference is that people swear by their lives with Christianity, and not father christmas.

At the age of which he is, he, and his friends start mocking people who still believe in father christmas. If he starts mocking Christians it can land him in a lot of trouble.

You know how much noise Christians can make ;)

Well, yes, but religion deserves to be criticised like any other theory ever put forward. If there is no more objective evidence for God than Santa, why should religion be given extra protection just because people believe it? What about Russell's Teapot?

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Game_boy said:
SamuelRSmith said:

Although it kind of back fires when my youngest brother casts Christians in the same sort of category as those who still believe in father christmas and the easter bunny! (we set him straight on that don't worry).

What exactly is the difference between the two beliefs except one is taught as the sacred truth which we may not question?

The Bible actually purports itself to be true at certain parts, as a historical, albeit divinely inspired, account of past events and teachings. 

Father Christmas and the Easter Bunny are just fun ideas. Their portrayal differs according to different cultures and the story is constantly being updated to match changes in culture and new ideas.  Consider Rudolph, no one cares that he didn't exist with the historical saint Nicholas, he's still a lot of fun.

I'm a Muslim... hopefully that will put this thread back on track...

Why not add me on msn...

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