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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Medal of Honor: Heroes 2 for Wii

Anyone here buy this game?  I was sad to see that it didn't have very good sales in its debut week, but given the competition it is understandable I guess.  Anyway, I'm really interested in picking it up because the Wii has so much potential for FPS's and apparently the game has controls down pat--far removed from the wonkiness that was Red Steel or Far Cry Vengence .  IGN even claims that Team Fusion over at EA got it so right that: "it controls better than any other home console FPS ever [emphasis added]," and they also go so far as to say that you might need a gaming mouse to beat it's precision with a keyboard and mouse set-up. 

What's more is that it has arguably the best online multiplayer of any game for the Wii thus far.  All you need to say about that is: 32 players running steady at 60 frames per--name one Wii game that compares.  Say what you will about its connectivity going through the oft critisized EA nation or the lack of voicechat on Wii, I'm still intrigued.  Anybody with the game have any impressions to give?

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no i dont have it,but i really want it

I got it the Sunday after it came out (using the Toys R Us deal), so my copy wasn't on the first week sales.

But it's a very good game, in my opinion. I know WWII shooters have been way over done (hasn't affected me because I haven't bought one for a few years), but I think the controls and the 32 multiplayer make up for it easily. I've been so addicted to the online part that I haven't even started the campaign mode yet.

I'll buy this game when it is released in UK but only because it is on the Wii and I have found games that use the Wii remote like The Godfather to be much more fun!

I have it and the game seriously rocks. Must-have for EVERY FPS fan and Wii owner.

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It didn't have very good sales? Wow, I'm shocked. Get it the first chance you get... It's going to be a big part of my Thanksgiving weekend.

I have never bought a War game before but i think i will be purchasing this.

The Wii is making me buy games i wouldn't have considered on MP3, SMG, Wii sports i would have bought if it were seperate.

hell i have never owned a fighting gamebefore but i am definately getting SSBB

TWRoO said:
I have never bought a War game before but i think i will be purchasing this.

The Wii is making me buy games i wouldn't have considered on MP3, SMG, Wii sports i would have bought if it were seperate.

hell i have never owned a fighting gamebefore but i am definately getting SSBB

I definitely have more interest in many more games because it's on the Wii.  I never bought a war game too, but I'm kind of excited about MOH:H2.  I'll be getting it soon.  Motion/IR controls make a difference, which is why I picked up Godfather, SSX and WarioWare, all very fun games.

Shame the initial weeks sales weren't better, it'll be a shame it this follows the Godfather's path (another good game made excellent by great wii controls) but who knows on Wii, it might have really long legs. Probably will, at least until a better online FPS comes out (Red Steel 2?!?)

I'll be getting this for sure


i dunno moh vanguard for wii multiplier sucks, is this ones better? except for online

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