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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - The best review I have ever read! (A must read for Wii fans)



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lol yeah this game sucks

llewdebkram said:
"If you play it, you can never get back the three hours you wasted on this unique brand of torture."

He hated it that much yet he played it for 3 hours?
He's just bitter because he couldn't complete it!!

 He's a reviewer. He's gotta give it a chance and play enough to develop a full, educated opinion on it.




gamingdevil said:
So, wait... there was Anubis I? And did it sold so good to get a sequel? =/


Yeap, the first title sold approx. 10 units. So that would give em some profit i guess...



Doesn't live up to the legacy of the first one.

Still, I'm a fanboy, so I've got to buy everything Anubis.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.

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I have this game and it totally owns.

Clearly this guy is bashing it because he doesn't know how to control it, the exact motion detection is what gives this game an elite feel, only the best Anubis players can nail the jumps every time*

Truely this game is only for the Hardcore, this reviewer just doesn't get it.

it's not about the graphics. (I bet this guy compares everything to crysis!)
it's not about the game play. (he expects everything to be mario!)
it's not about the historical accuracy. (This isn't a WW2 RTS!)
It's not about the Story line. (Did he expect an RPG??)
It's about the challenge of hardcore controls.

*No examples will be provided.

"..just keep on trying 'till you run out of cake"

Already pre-ordered three copies....2 for me (I've been wanting this game since the Wii launched)...and 1 to carry around and show off to my friends...


O_o I've never heard of that game and I see why! XD

I may have to get this game before Cruis'n