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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Could someone help me choose a console?

Hey guys, i've been in the market for a new gaming machine, i got a good pc but i want a console, i will tell you what i like and could someone reccomend me one?

Well, i play shooting games over everything else, i adore all thos fps games, i love online gaming, especially shooters online, i don't mind racing games either, i like a few RPG games, never really liked final fantasy but i a few other brand names, my price range is 100 - 800 DOLLARS (AUD) in which i will buy during the week.. could anybody here reccomend me a console and what games to buy?

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Console XBox360 I am sure tons of others will tell you about games.

This thread is going to end up with the Wii people saying you should get a Wii, the PS3 people saying you should get a PS3, and 360 people saying you should get a 360. The amount of supporters for each on this site is pretty much in the order I gave them, so if that's the only criteria you can stop reading now. Just in case it isn't, I'll give some more tips. =P

I suppose the biggest decision is wether you want the Wii or one of the HD consoles. The Wii is much cheaper than the other two, doesn't support HDTVs, and is the most different from PC gaming. The price is clearly a good thing, but the other two depend on what you're looking for.

HD support is tricky. If you do have a HDTV and buy a Wii, then you'd have paid for a feature you wouldn't be using, but if you don't have a HDTV and buy a HD console, then you'd be doing pretty much the same thing. I would say playing the Wii on a HDTV is not as bad as playing HD games on a SDTV, but I'm probably a bit biased here, owning a Wii and SDTV myself.

The difference to PC gaming is due to the radically different controller, and the fact that Nintendo games very rarely jump to other platforms, while the HD consoles have lots and lots of multiplats. This might be a good or bad thing, totally depending on what you want.

If you go for the HD consoles, then I recommend the 360 over the PS3, due to a stronger selection of games now and in the foreseeable future. The PS3 has zero exclusives with a score of 90+ on Metacritic, while the 360 has six. This contains the slight problem that you can play a good chunk of the 360's exclusives on the PC as well, so you should take that into account.

You also have to pay for the 360's online service, but all my friends who've played both tell me it's better than on the PS3. I haven't tried either, and recommend you find more information about this if you think it's important.

well, I own both systems(wii60), and for different reasons. my wii is for when i have a group of friends, i want to play old games or stuff like that. but for the exact reasons you want a system was why I have and enjoy my 360. it has the best online, some awe4some shooters, and some racers and rpgs

i dont understand why people go to forum, of all places to ask for this kind of advice. it will just cause arguements from all 3 fronts. from my experience, if you ask this kind of question in a forum, chances are you wont want to get a console anymore lol.

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Sounds like a 360 purchase to me. I mean some of the games will be out for PC anyway, but some won't. It's got everything you are looking for.

Well, your post screams "I want a 360". No other way to put it really. Get a 360.

My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957

Looks like you want a 360. Only hint: see what games (shooters) the 360 has that are not also on PC, as you could otherwise get them there.

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Well, you said you love shooters. Get the system with the most shooters.

That'd be an Xbox 360. You also like RPGs but not Final Fantasy....That'd be the X360 too (unless you loathe Sakaguchi).

I'll side with others: I think it's strange when people ask this question, and they basically aren't asking you what to get, but telling you what they want because it's usually pretty obvious what they want.

I swear some of these are so cookie-cutter "tell me that I need a X360" that someone from MS is paying kids for it.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.

Why would you want a console to play FPS games? It's like getting a PC for platformers or fighting games. As an owner of a Wii60 and a PC I'll tell you flat out you have the best platform for shooters bar none. If you don't have one yet, spend the $250 (USD) and get an 8800 (new DX10 graphics card)--it blows anything any console can do out of the water by a mile.

If shooters are your thing there's no reason at all to get a console. They always come out on computer anyway, and always in a superior form. CoD 4 for computer is great (and in hi def), anything involving the VALVe or id family you can get through Steam, which will last forever (as long as you keep your account and name, you have it forever).

DX10 is rearing its ugly head, and if Crysis is any indication shooters are heading for complex calculation, which means console shooters will be quaint and archaic within a year or 2. Gears of War is out for PC, with tons more new content over the 360 version and of course much tighter controls for 180 wrist-flick headshot goodness. Mass Effect coming out later for PC, it'll definitely follow suit as far as more beefiness.

Dual analog is very clunky and slow for FPS, if you've been on a PC playing shooters for any length of time it'll feel like molasses and generally dumbed down. The Orange Box and all its runty children are a perfect example of a package of games that lose its luster because of horrid dual stick control.

If you were a pure console guy I'd say go 360, but you have the best online, the best shooters, and the best controls for them bar none. Going from PC to 360 for shooters, the control is roughly like going from a 911 Porche to a Ford Pinto or some equally tragicomedy style car.

I can't endorse the PS3, since I do not have one, but I won't discount it. I'd say wait for a PS3 guy to chime in and speak about the ups and downs.

As much as I'd love to endorse the 360, I'm not so sure I can as mine ended up bricked for the 3rd time 3 hours into Assassin's Creed. It's something you have a 1 in 3 chance of dealing with (the failure rate is something like 31%). Especially not for someone interested in shooters primarily.

However, for other types of games, consoles are great. I personally love the 360 for games like Dead Rising, Forza 2 (racing game), and Crackdown, Virtua Fighter. RPGs you're going to be hard pressed to find any worth a damn on the 360, sadly.

The thing that makes these games great, though, is that the controller is perfect for those types of games. Which is most definitely not the case for the FPS genre.

Wii is the most unique, and I've enjoyed it a lot personally. If you have a lot of friends, like people you hang out with in person, this one is the way to go as it's a purely social machine. Give it another year or so when the games start rolling in, it's still going through first-year-itis.

360, even getting rid of all the FPS, is a really great console. Dead Rising alone is worth the price of that system. Even avoiding FPS on the 360 I've gotten a lot of fun out of it. Just know that the chances of it bricking on you are higher than any other system by an insanely large margin.

As a fellow FPS fanatic, I'd say upgrade your computer.
*KB+M is the still the best FPS control, anyone who says otherwise never played Quake 3 for the Dreamcast.
*Online is not only a lot better, but it won't cost you $50 a year. Also, you'll be playing on someone else's xbox, there are no lag-free 24/7 dedicated servers in console land.
*Downloadable content is not free on consoles. To give you an idea, they're charging $10 for a couple extra maps for Halo 3.
*The PC version of any FPS is far superior thanks to mods and controls. Especially games you can buy on Steam. Oh yeah, and graphics.
*DX10 will make more and more of a difference in the immediate coming years, this is the biggest tech jump in a decade. See also: Crysis

*edit: Also PC still has the edge in FPS competitive gaming. 360 online you're essentially bouncing aimlessly server to server. No real clans, no real competitve play, mostly just pub scrubs. Not sure how into the competitive scene you are, but if you have any interest in high level gaming, consoles will leave you hanging pretty flat.  

In the end it's your money. My personal vote would be go for the experience you can't get on a PC, and hunt for the console that has the most of other genres you like.